Page 48 of Auctioned

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“Because what, because we had sex? I thought we both just agreed it was more than that.”

How was this getting so twisted?

“Yes, of course it was! That’s not what I’m getting at. I mean, you can’t do this sale a second time, since you’re no longer, y’know, a virgin. And you deserve that money.”

She grimaced. “No.”

“Please. Just… consider it a year-end bonus, if you don’t want to think of it as being paid for sex.”

“Oh, so now this was what, just me sleeping with my boss? Somehow that’s not much better.”

God, she was as stubborn as an ox, so set in her principles. Maybe that’s why she’s broke, I reflected. Most rich people never felt that bound to any kind of moral code.

Kiki leapt up from the bed, yanking the sheets off me and twirling them around her body until she was draped from head to toe in starched white, her entire figure concealed from me. I missed the sight already, even though I’d gazed upon — and touched — her breasts, her mound, only moments ago.


“I don’t know why you’re not getting this,” she interrupted with a shake of her head. “I might be poor as fuck, but money still isn’t the most important thing in the world.”

“You have debts,” I countered.

“Yeah, I’m well aware! Why are you lording your money over me like this?”

I’d never experienced such a sharp sting of rejection in my life, especially not when it came to my cash. Everyone in my circle wanted my funds before they wanted me, as a person.

“I just want to do right by you,” I replied in earnest.

Her lips pursed with disappointment. I felt myself plummet in her estimation.

“I have to go,” she said, voice stony and implacable. “Like I said, I have work.”

“Please stay.”

She sighed, and just like that, she went from soft to hard, as though she were an alloy shifting forms.

“Tate, I’m not mad. I’m just… this is a difficult situation to navigate. I’ve felt so many things tonight, more than I really knew I could experience in such a short amount of time. And I need time to process it. I get that you’re trying to do the right thing, but between you being super rich and my boss, it’s just… it’s gonna take me a second to think this through.”

Kiki leaned down to the bed and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to turn and make it a full-blown smooch on the lips, but thought it best not to push my luck.

With that, she dropped the sheet around her ankles, affording me one more glimpse of her glorious curves before turning on a heel and walking out, presumably to fetch her clothes.

Well, fuck me.

I’d messed it up, but there was no use in chasing after her now. She’d been pretty clear she needed time to think things through, and pursuing her wouldn’t change that.

I was wondering how much longer my heart would ache when my smart watch beeped — I had an incoming phone call from an unknown number at this early hour.

“Jesus,” I said under my breath.

Should I answer it?

I weighed the options for a moment before at last deciding that it would at least get me out of my head.


“It’s Mac.”

Oh. “Hi, Mac. Can I help you with something?”

“The money.”

His words were clipped and business-like. I reflected that this was rather different than the persona he adopted in the secret meetings. Maybe that was all an act to keep us in the dark vis-à-vis his actual ability. Or, perhaps he just got serious around money.

How would I explain this?

“Kiki has decided she doesn’t want the money.”


“The girl.” Man, how could he not even remember her name?

“Oh, oh, right, Kiki. Well, I know you’re bullshitting me. No chick turns down money, especially not if she prostituted herself for it.”

“She didn’t prostitute herself. We… made love.”

He let out a loud belching laugh. “Okay now I know you’re just yanking my chain.”

“I’m dead serious, Mac. Hell, I tried to convince her to take the money, for the sake of my own conscience, but she wouldn’t do it. If you don’t believe me, ring her up — I’m sure she’ll tell you the same thing.”

“I don’t care what some ho will tell me!” he snapped.

“Don’t use that word.”

“Whatever you wanna call her, Tate, you still need to pay.”

“Why? That doesn’t make any sense. If she’s refusing the money, why would I pay?”

Mac’s teeth were audibly gnashing on the other end of the line.

“You moron, the house takes forty percent of the money from the sale,” Mac hissed. “You think I put that shit on for free, just because? Of course there’s something in it for me.”

I balked. “You never told anyone that. I mean, I guess we all knew there was a chance you were taking a cut, but forty percent? That’s insane, that’s almost half. It’s not fair, to the buyers or to the girls.”

Tags: Lulu Pratt Romance