Page 32 of Auctioned

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That did it.

I ejaculated all over the bottom of Jack’s desk, covering his bland gray furniture in a sticky white film which dripped onto the carpet.

“Fuck,” I said through jagged breaths.

It was the hottest jack-off session I’d had in a long time, maybe ever. And all because of Kiki.

I stood up from the chair perfunctorily, wiping my brow and zipping up my pants. I didn’t bother to clean off Jack’s desk. I was sure he’d tidy it up without asking any questions. I know, Kiki told me to stop expecting service workers to do my dirty work, but really, the man deserved to wipe up some semen every now and then. It’d keep him from getting too big for his britches.

Feeling like a satiated panther, I strode out of his office and shot Jack a quick text.

The room’s all yours. Enjoy!



A WEEK FLEW by in the blink of the eye.

For the first time since I was a little boy, I’d shown up at Dazzlers every day, with the excuse of one business meeting or another or just to do a walk through. In reality, I was preoccupied with trying to casually pass by Kiki’s section and see what she was doing.

She saw me a few times and rolled her eyes and gave me a small smile, let’s not forget that, but otherwise, we didn’t engage much. I suspect she was waiting for me to show some kind of marked improvement as a person, but how do you display a thing like that? Drag some orphan kid into the middle of the casino and give him a giant check for tuition? Actually, maybe that wasn’t such a bad idea…

I seemed to have run up against a wall, and was getting frustrated. I’d never had to work this hard to win a girl, and I had no road map to her heart. Relatedly, Jack was starting to tire of my presence. I’d never been hands-on with Dazzlers, but since Kiki strutted into my life, I’d needed the cover of the casino to explain my daily appearances. Jack was less than pleased at my sudden interest in the business, especially because I was starting to reject his various proposals and suggestions for the casino. Before, I’d let him do basically whatever he wanted as he was there. Turned out, he needed more oversight than I’d believed, and for whatever it’s worth, it was a good thing I’d stepped in when I did.

Anyhow, it’d been the most work I’d ever done in one week, and I found I rather enjoyed it. How hard could I work, I wondered, if I actually gave a damn about the project? Once again, my mind flew to fantasies of Silicon Valley and world-changing tech.

Though, as Friday rolled around, it was hard to maintain that same level of optimism, for it was the day of — sigh — the virginity sale.

I really, really, really, really didn’t want to go. Have I mentioned that? Because I didn’t want to. At all.

It just felt gross. What did it mean that a woman’s virginity was so valuable, and what did it imply about her worth once she no longer had said virginity? The whole thing made me squirm.

But Mac was a guy I needed in my corner, especially now that I’d seen up close and personal just how well Dazzlers was doing — which is to say, not fantastic. If he turned against us, it could spell serious trouble. He had either charmed or strong-armed the whole town onto his side, and we couldn’t afford to make enemies even at the best of times.

So whether I liked it or not, and God knew I didn’t like it, I was going to the fucking sale. You can’t win every fight.

I dressed in a suit, as I wasn’t sure what such an occasion called for. Was it business casual, or golf course chic? The invitations didn’t exactly specify, because there were no invitations. Things like this couldn’t have paper trails.

At exactly the stroke of eleven, I was in front of the specified door in the RES casino. I figured that being late would insult Mac about as much as missing the event, and if I was gonna go, I might as well curry his favor.

The location they’d given me was, surprisingly enough, not the penthouse. I’d assumed we’d be in the finest room in the hotel, just for appearance’s sake. Instead, it was somewhere around the thirty-fifth floor. Not hidden behind a clock or tucked in the back of a kitchen. Just a plain, no-frills door.

I knocked three times, and a man appeared.

“Hello, come on in,” he said, ushering me inside. I suppose I had face recognition with a certain criminal class, which wasn’t exactly reassuring.

As soon as I entered the meeting space, I understood why we weren’t in the penthouse.

Tags: Lulu Pratt Romance