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“She got to you. Did she get to you? Did you fall for this chick?”

“Of course not. You don’t know what you’re talking about,” I replied.

“Uh-huh. We’ll see,” he nodded at the tents. “What did you go back for?”

“Forgot something,” I mumbled.

“Like, her number?”

I tried ignoring him as I started my bike. I kept my eyes peeled in the direction of Naomi’s jeep, hoping to see her again before I took off. She said she was a teacher. How many schools were there in this town?

I pulled out of the lot and rode to where she was parked. There were only a few cars and trucks left as the long line of taillights trailed out of the area. I scanned the line but didn’t see her jeep. Shaking my head, I revved up my motor and peeled out, taking the fastest exit out of there with Bones close behind me.

We went back to my place and cracked open a few cold beers until we were both so tired we crashed out.

That night I dreamed of her. She had a sweet smile and the way her long dark brown locks cascaded down the sides of her face, I wanted to wrap myself up in it and breathe her in. Her kiss so pure, her touch so gentle. I looked for her in my dreams, and each time she was spotted, I tried running to her only to watch her disappear around another building. I looked around that last building, and it opened into a beach with a few sporadic beach chairs and umbrellas shading each one. The beach was empty except for one person. A woman so far away, I could barely see her. Who was she? Had she seen Naomi? She turned slowly to me, and her face came into focus. It was Andressa. She covered her face and then looked up at me. She had transformed into Naomi and I began to run to her.

I reached out to her. “Naomi!”

I tried screaming her name, but it was barely a whisper. I could only mouth the word. She ran into the ocean as its waves violently crashed upon the shore.

“Naomi!” I tried again, but no sound emerged from my throat.

I ran to her as fast as my legs would carry me. My boots were clumsy and five sizes too big as I tried running through the sand. My leather vest weighed me down, feeling like it was fifty pounds on my shoulders. Sweat ran off me, and the faster I tried to run the slower I became until the sand enveloped my feet and began to drag me down. I was stuck where I stood only able to watch her run further into the angry water. She disappeared. The thought of losing Naomi jerked me awake.

I sat upright on the couch and looked around. Bones was snoring in the chair, and the place was dark except for a small lamp barely illuminating the room. I grabbed my phone and looked at the time. It was barely six in the morning, but the image of Naomi drowning in that ocean was too real for me to get back to sleep.

Climbing off the couch, I stretched out the kinks, and went to the mini bar, grabbed my bottle of whiskey, and took a good hit off it. I opened the curtains and gazed out the large bay window and across the ocean. Not a bad temporary home if I did say so myself. I could picture Naomi living carefree with me there. I was damned lucky to have the means of living luxuriously. I held up the bottle and saluted my father. “Thanks for the gambling problem, Pops.”

Most addicts lost their ass. My father knew the secrets and played them well. He made a lot of money doing it until the wrong guys found out how much he knew. Although he wasn’t so lucky to relish in his fortune, I was. I took another hit off the bottle before setting it on the bar.

I went upstairs to my bedroom and dropped onto the bed. Images of Naomi, my hands plunging into her hair, making love to her, it all wafted through my brain, and I slowed it down savoring each moment we had together. She was perfect, her body moving over me, the way she looked at me, her kiss, her smell. I was addicted.

I closed my eyes and saw the curves my hands traced in the back of her little white jeep. I grew hard at the thought of penetrating her again. Her hair tickled my face as she loomed over me, her rocking body moving up and down on my cock. The little gasps that escaped her as she fucked me drove me wild. I rubbed myself through my jeans as my mind played it all back for me. By the time I had gotten to the end of the beautiful memory, my hand was inside my jeans and wrapped around everything I had given her. I jerked myself until I was as satisfied as I could be without Naomi over me. I forced myself out of bed and into the shower.

Tags: Lulu Pratt Romance