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“Junie, I know you. I also know that Luna is still having nightmares and she didn’t suffer half of the hell you did.”

“I don’t want to talk about it, Gavin,” I tell him, my voice hard.


I cut him off. I appreciate he wants to help, but I’m not in the mood. “I mean it. I don’t ever want to talk about it. It was bad, it was disgusting, and it marked me in ways that you can never understand, because I’m not sure I do.”

“Fuck, Junie. I’m so sorry.”

“I am too, but we aren’t responsible and honestly as contrived as it sounds, it could have been much worse. I’m still standing and Atticus isn’t. That’s what counts. I’m not about to let him win and steal my life from me.”

“I love you, Junie.”

“Love you too, Gavin. Can we let this go?”

“I still should be there to check in on you.”

“Your guard dog is doing a good enough job. He drops by checking on me at least twice a week.” I roll my eyes thinking about the persistence of Sherriff Ben Kingston.

“My guard dog?” Gavin asks, sounding surprised.

“Yeah, the Sheriff. Did you think that I wouldn’t know you were sending him out to check on me? I mean I understood it at first, but I’ve been out of the hospital for two weeks now. Quit worrying and stop asking your friends to check in on me. The Sheriff is nice and all and even kind of cute in a I-wouldn’t-blindfold-myself-if-he-was-in-my-bed kind of way, but honestly I just need some time to be alone and heal.”

“Kingston has been coming around your house?” Gavin growls.

Ut-oh. Seems I misread that little nugget of info.

“You haven’t asked him to?” I question him, unable to hide my surprise.

“I sure as hell haven’t. You stay away from Kingston, Junie. He’s bad fucking news.”

“Duh, he’s a man, I already figured that out.”

“I’m a man,” Gavin laughs.

“Yeah, but you’re my brother. It doesn’t count.”

“Just stay away from him. I’ll call him and make sure he backs off.”

“You will not. I’m a grown woman. I can handle my own life, Gavin.”

“Yeah, but—”

“No buts. I’ll deal with the Sheriff. I would have already, but I thought he was just doing what you asked.”


“Let it go, Gavin. Listen, I love you. You have a good time with your family and stop worrying about me.”


“Gavin, I’m going to be late for work,” I remind him of something he already knows.

“I don’t want you working at a bar.”

“It’s not a bar. It’s a lounge in a hotel. And I have to pay the bills.”

“Not like this. I’ll wire you some money.”

“I have money. Seriously, will you stop? I’m a bartender. This job is how I make my living and have for a while now.”

“You need time to heal, Junie.”

“Gavin, I love you, but if I sit around this house and listen to the walls for another minute, I’m going to go insane.”

“Walls don’t make noises, Junie.”

“That’s my damn point! I can’t stand the silence. I’m looking forward to working. I need to stay busy. So let me, okay?”

“Gavin, let your sister live her life,” Luna says softly, close enough to the receiver that I can hear her.

“Yeah, Gavin. Let your sister live her life,” I repeat with a smirk.

“I know when I’m beat. I can’t win against one woman, let alone two. You promise me you’ll take it easy and if it gets too much you’ll quit.”

“Yes, sir. Thank you for letting me have a job, sir.”

“Whatever. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

“Sounds good. Tell Luna and that nephew of mine that I love them.”

“Will do. You stay away from Kingston.”

“I don’t know. Now that I know he’s not in league with you to protect me and wrap me up in bubble wrap, I might just take the Sheriff on the ride of his life.”

“The hell you will,” Gavin growls, and I can’t help it. I don’t just laugh—I cackle.

“Bye, Gavin.”

“I mean it, Junie. You stay away from that asshole. Don’t make me kill Kingston!”

“Later, Big Bro.” I click the phone off still laughing.

When the silence of my house invades, the laughter dies on my lips. I wasn’t lying to my brother. The silence is slowly driving me insane. I look up at the clock. I don’t have to be at work for an hour and it will only take me ten minutes to get there.

I listen to the empty silence in the room one last time and grab my keys. I’ll just be early. Bosses like that kind of thing…Right?

I make it to the door and turn around to get the stun gun I ordered off the internet the first night I got out of the hospital. I stick it down in my purse, and then head outside, stopping only to lock the door. Outside, it feels like my skin is crawling. My gaze travels from one spot to the next, without taking time to register anything other than it seems like I’m alone. My heartrate is kicked into overdrive and a fine, cold sweat springs out over my palms, the back of my neck and my forehead. I fight down the panic, hating that I’m feeling it. Then I unlock my car.

Tags: Jordan Marie Stone Lake Romance