Page 72 of Rogue Hearts

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“I would do anything to keep you two safe,” Andrei murmured before he kissed her cheek.

“I love you both,” Victoria said, “even though you’re going to go to time out for scaring Mommy like that, buddy.”

“Noooo!” Benjamin wailed. He started crying. The terrible twos had barely started, but Benjamin tried to have a tantrum as often as he could. He tried to get out of his father’s grip and throw himself on the ground so he could kick and scream.

But Andrei held onto his son, a little grimly and very firmly.

“Now, son, you did something bad, so you have to be punished for it.”

Benjamin sobbed, “No,” but he was quieter this time.

“Real men take responsibility for their actions. We all make mistakes, but a big boy has to admit when he’s wrong. You stole your mother’s lip gloss and got dirty. What do you say to your mother?”

“I’m sorry,” Benjamin whispered.

“I forgive you,” Victoria said, kissing his chubby little cheek. “But no running towards the stairs anymore, okay?”

“If I promise, no timeout?”

“A born lawyer,” Andrei observed with a wry smile.

“Deal,” Victoria said, sharing a secret smile with her husband.


Tags: Alyse Zaftig Romance