Page 69 of Rogue Hearts

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“Where is everyone?”

“Like I said, I had the owner give me a favor. The whole restaurant is ours tonight.”

“You rented out an entire restaurant for me?”

“You’re my woman,” Andrei said with a sly smile. “You’re worth it.”

Only one table stood in the middle of the expansive dining room area, and it had white flowers on the table as a center piece. Two chairs sat at the table next to each other along with a matching set of dinnerware.

Further back in the restaurant, a small waterfall rushed into a wishing well and soft classical music played in the background.

“This is a lot to take in, Andrei. I’m not used to this at all.”

“We’re not going to dine like this every night. Don’t worry, but I did want to do something special for you, to show you how much I care about you. It’s fit for a queen. My queen.”

Victoria could feel her cheeks heat up at his words. If she was blushing this early in their evening, she didn’t want to know what she’d feel like later on.

A waiter, dressed in a tuxedo, came over to them with a menu.

“Mr. Rusak, would you like some wine?” the man asked.

“Actually, we’ll both be skipping the alcohol tonight. Bring us out some sparkling strawberry and kiwi juice.”

The man bowed. “Right away, sir. Would you like to order now?”

“We’ll have two of your Kobe steaks smothered in onions, mushrooms, and gravy along with two large cabbage leaves stuffed with wild rice and vegetables. For dessert, bring us the crème brulee bread pudding. Is that ok for you, honey?”

Victoria was surprised that he called her honey but most of all, she was shocked at how easily he had ordered for both of them without looking at the menu. “Yes. Sounds great.” After the waiter left, she leaned into Andrei. “What are we celebrating?”

“Who says we have to be celebrating something? Can’t a guy just take his girl out for a good time?”

“I guess that depends on the guy and the girl he’s taking out.”

“In that case, it’s just you and me tonight, baby.”

He was really getting used to using endearments when it came to her, and it made her wonder what she should call him in return.

“Okay, sugar lips,” she said.

“Sugar lips? Where did that come from?”

“You’re such a smooth talker that I thought it would work. I’m going to have to get back to you on that one.”

“Good thinking, because I’m not sure I could face my siblings ever again if you called me about in front of them. They’d never let me live it down.”

The waiter brought out their drinks.

“I think we should make a toast,” Andrei said, lifting up his glass.

Victoria eyed him suspiciously, but she still lifted up her glass along with him. “Okay. What should we toast to?”

“To the happiest day of my life. I have finally met the woman who I want to spend the rest of my life with. A woman who is so intelligent, considerate, and passionate that she makes me want to spend every day and night with her.”

Victoria couldn’t move as she watched Andrei get down on one knee. “Victoria Bellamy, my life is so empty without you. I didn’t know how much until I met you. I know we don’t have the most conventional relationship known to man, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have something that can make us happy for the rest of our lives. Will you make me whole and do me one of the greatest honors possible by marrying me?”

Victoria took everything in. All of it. The staff members watching them in the distance, the beautiful surroundings that gave background to that romantic moment, and most of all the amazing man who had stolen her heart without her even knowing it.

She didn’t cry. She was usually a crier, but the baby and Andrei’s family had brought out emotions in her that she had long since forgotten. Tears welled in her eyes even though she had to get used to how sappy they were making her. She finally found her voice so she could respond. “Yes, Andrei Rusak. I will marry you?”

Tags: Alyse Zaftig Romance