Page 63 of Rogue Hearts

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“All right,” Mrs. Rusak said. “Hold your horses. We are ready to eat.”

Everyone sat around the large dining room table and passed the food around. Everything looked spectacular to Victoria. It was more like a feast for an army squadron than a dinner for a family.

Erik sat across from Victoria, and out of everyone, he ate eating faster than anyone else.

“Don’t mind him,” Andrei said. “He’s used to inhaling his food. As long as he doesn’t choke, he should be good to go.” He winked at her.

Victoria simply shook her head. While Erik was the fastest eater, she was the slowest one. Between bites she nursed her ginger ale to calm her stomach. She was able to keep it all down.

She found it odd how comfortable eating with the family was. She wasn’t even as relaxed with her own family. No one asked how long they knew each other, which Victoria was grateful for. They seemed to welcome and appreciate her just the same.

“Anybody care for some dessert?” Mrs. Rusak asked after they’d nearly finished all the food in front of them. “We have sweet potato pie, chocolate cake, and lemon pudding. Take your pick, or in Erik’s case, just decide on which one you want to try first.”

They all laughed and Erik grinned back.

Since it was nice out, they went down on the patio to have their dessert and coffee. Victoria was able to see the lake better out there. As night started to fall, the lake sparkled with the setting sun, giving off an orange sparkle that spread across the water.

“A baby?” Andrei’s father asked. “Are sure you’re ready for a third kid?”

“Andrei Rusak Senior, if you don’t leave your boy alone, I am going to get upset.” Mrs. Rusak stared him. ?

??Do you want me upset?”

“No but—”

“All right then. Either congratulate our son or keep your upsetting opinions in your law firm where they belong.”

Although the man seemed agitated and seemed unhappy about being quieted by his wife, he didn’t say another word to them.

Erik leaned over. “Andrei said that I can be Uncle Erik. You don’t mind that, do you, Victoria?”

“Of course not. That sounds fitting since Andrei sees you as family,” Victoria said.

That put a big smile on Erik’s face. “So Victoria, do you have any single friends looking for a good guy? Erik asked.

“Erik,” Andrei warned.

“What? Can’t blame a guy for asking.”

“I have a few friends.”

“Well, you name the time and place and I will be there,” he said.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” His grin seemed to be a mile long.

“How did you and Andrei meet?” Amy asked.

Victoria liked Andrei’s sister, who also looked more like Mr. Rusak than Mrs. Rusak, making Andrei taking on more of her features.

“We met in Judge Hughes’s courtroom,” Victoria said. “I am an Assistant Prosecuting Attorney for New York City. Your brother was defending the accused against me.”

“Ooh,” Amy said. “Which one of you won?”

“We can’t talk about ongoing cases,” Mr. Rusak said.

“Where are you from?” Mrs. Rusak added, ignoring her husband’s comment.

“I moved here from California. As a matter of fact, my family still is out there,” Victoria said. “I have been trying to get them to move to New York for the longest time, but they love the West Coast too much to leave.”

Tags: Alyse Zaftig Romance