Page 36 of Rogue Hearts

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She hated doctors’ offices and any kind of medical facility. They felt so sterile and void of life, plus they smelled weird. Then she realized court was similar in a way. Waiting in one room for a person to tell you the outcome of your life was never fun.

“Ready to go. You don’t have to look at that poster anymore.”

After Deedee turned around, Dr. James and the nurse soon came in.

“Good Morning, Mrs. Bellamy. I’m Dr. James and this is Nurse Pratchett.”

She sighed as she shook his hand. “It’s Ms. Bellamy. I’m not married.” He seemed a little shocked by that, but he didn’t say anything. If he did, she couldn’t promise not to knock him on his butt. She was in that kind of mood today.

Dr. James turned to his nurse and asked, “Could you help Ms. Bellamy get on the table and into the stirrups please?”

Victoria shuffled around as the nurse helped her climb into the awkward position on the exam table. “Oh, Lord,” she thought. “Let the home tests be a mistake. I can’t be pregnant. Not now. What would I do with a baby on my own? I’d scar the baby for life. I just know it. I can’t even have a normal romantic relationship, and now I’m going to be a mother.”

The nurse assisted her to position to the most comfortable position she could be in with her legs up in the stirrups and open wide in a cold and sterile room.

The doctor examined her cervix, palpated and measured her abdomen, and listened to her heart. Victoria felt like a prize pig who was being looked over thoroughly.

“We have a quick-result method of testing for pregnancy hormones. The results of your blood test came back positive,” Dr. James said. “Congratulations. You’re going to be a mother.”

Deedee clapped her hands together. “I knew it. That’s so exciting.”

Victoria wished she could be excited like her friend.

“According to your chart and last period, you’re not that far along. Probably three weeks or so at most.”

“You can tell this early?” she asked.

“Well, with blood tests and calculations of your last cycle, we can pretty much chart the time. We can’t see the baby through ultrasound just yet because it’s so small, but I’d like you to come back in a couple of weeks so we can see how you’re coming along.”

“This is insane.” The room felt like it was caving in on her. She put her head on her forehead. “I don’t feel well.”

“What are you experiencing?”

“Dizziness and I’m tired all the time.”

“That’s certainly normal,” the doctor said. “Your body is adjusting to providing nutrients to prepare for the baby. I’m going to prescribe you some neonatal vitamins along with iron, which should both help restore some of your energy and balance you out. I want you to take one of each every day until I see you in a couple of weeks.”

“I’m not a fan of pills,” she said. She hated taking any kind of medication or vitamins regularly.

“These are mild, and the pills will help. You may want to take it easy for a couple of days until your energy returns.”

“I already took time off for my ankle. I can’t take off anymore.”

“Work should be fine,” he said. “Just avoid too much strenuous activity until you feel yourself again. Sit down as much as you can.”

That was the problem. She was pregnant. There was no feeling-like-herself place to ever go back to. Not only that. Now she had to worry about telling Andrei when she was hoping to avoid him for as long as she could. She still had to process his bombshell.

What would he think? He already had two kids, and they hadn’t even been together long enough to discuss it. She didn’t even know if he’d be a good father.

She’d really done it this time. Andrei had changed her whole life in the space of a few weeks. It wasn’t all his fault. She was a grown woman, and she didn’t stop him from doing anything. In fact, she wanted him to. Over and over again.

It annoyed her that even then she could feel her body craving him, longing for his touch. The way he kissed her and made her call out for him...she just couldn’t forget about him.

“Ms. Bellamy, are you listening?” Dr. James said.

“I’m sorry,” she said pushing all sexual thoughts of Andrei to the back of her mind, but she knew they’d be back before long.

“Don’t forget to schedule your appointment with the receptionist. l want you to come back in two weeks for a checkup and ultrasound, but be sure to contact my office if your dizziness or fatigue increases.”

Tags: Alyse Zaftig Romance