Page 25 of Rogue Hearts

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Andrei smiled. “She’s amazing, a beautiful woman with intelligence to back it. I’ve never met anyone like her.”

“Then what’s the problem?” Erik asked.

Andrei answers “I don’t know. I think our jobs are going to be a problem. She was in court this morning prosecuting a client of mine.”

“Isn’t that how you met?”

“Apparently, the court system wants us thrown together until we crash.”

“Do you love her?” Erik asked.

“I don’t know. It’s kind of soon for that, isn’t it?”

“Lawyers, some of the best bullshitters around, I swear.”

“It’s not bullshit.”

“Trust me. If you love her, you’d know.”

“You’re an ass sometimes. You know that, right?”

“That’s why you come to me for advice. I’m the ass who tells the truth, no bullshit.”

They ordered the seafood platter with fish, oysters, crab, and shrimp. Andrei wasn’t sure why they loved the place so much, since it was fancier than he liked with chandeliers, a Koi fish pond, and wallpaper with huge fishing boats in the ocean catching large hordes of fish, lobsters and oysters. There was even a large lobster hanging from the ceiling, caught in a fishing net.

When the food arrived, he was reminded of why he dealt with the pompous scenery. It smelled incredible, and the chef knew exactly the right spices to make the dishes come alive. He thought about Victoria and wondered if she’d like it there. She might enjoy the ambiance.

“Erik, what do you think about me dating a black female lawyer?” Andrei asked.

“I think it’s beautiful, man. It’s not about the race. No matter the shit people spit out these days. It’s about the soul, the mind, the heart, and the love.”

“Leave it to you to sound like a hippie. But it’s not about her race…it’s the possible professional implications if we’re seeing each other,” Andrei said.

“Are you happy?” Erik asked.

“Actually, for the first time in my life, I am happy,” Andrei said.

“Well that’s all that counts,” said Erik. “True love is hard to find.”

“There’s just one thing. I haven’t told her about Asya and Naida.”

“You haven’t told her about the kids? Man, that’s all kinds of messed up. Stuff like that will mess with your karma.”

“I know. I know. I want to tell her, but you should’ve seen the look she gave me in court today, like she was disappointed and angry at the same time. I fucking hated it.”

“People fight. It may not be as bad as you think, but if you keep lying to her, that’s going to blow up before you know it. It might be a lie of omission, but you need to tell her.”

“That’s what I’m worried about.”

“You should trust her to accept that part of you. Grab hold of this one and never let go. If she’s as amazing as she sounds, it’ll work itself out.”

“You need to start charging for this. It’s gold.”

“I know, but bartending lets me impart my wisdom to the masses. I’m good with that.”

“I’ll have to bring her by one night, so you can meet her,” Andrei said.

“I would love to meet her. Must be a spectacular woman to have you all worked up like this,” Erik said.

Tags: Alyse Zaftig Romance