Page 21 of Rogue Hearts

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It still didn’t matter. Andrei was in her head, and he wasn’t getting out anytime soon. Even if she tried harder, she doubted that she could get him off of her mind. Their vacation in Jamaica together had been passionate and perfect.

Deedee and Roslyn, her friends and coworkers, were both there her first day back waiting to hear all about her time away with a sprained ankle. They pounced on her at lunchtime, the two of them coming into her office for a joint attack.

“There’s nothing much to talk about. I hurt my ankle and that’s it.”

“You know I saw you,” Deedee said. She played with a strand of her hair and smirked at Victoria.

“Saw me what? What are you talking about?”

“In the courthouse with that guy touching all over your foot.”

“He was just making sure the swelling went down.”

“I’ll bet he got a lot of swelling to go down,” Roslyn teased.

“Shut up,” Victoria said. “Someone else might hear you.”

“No one else cares,” Deedee said.

“Tell that to the interns.”

Deedee sat on the edge of her desk. “So who was he?” The woman was like a dog with a very tasty bone. She wasn’t letting it go.

Victoria blew out a breath. “Just a lawyer,” Victoria said. She didn’t know how much to share with them. Her relationship with Andrei was still new, and she wasn’t ready to put it all out there for everyone else to analyze and judge. It was her relationship, and it was sort of iffy since it was so new. She could do whatever she wanted and with whomever she wanted. She was a grown woman, but she didn’t want the gossip to spread around the office.

“You know what this means?” Rosalyn said.

“It means she’s got a crush on Mr. Hot Lawyer.”

She pulled her friends into her office and closed the door. “Fine. There may be something between us, but I don’t want anyone else to know.” She sighed.

“You owe me twenty-five dollars and a free lunch,” Deedee said to Rosalyn.

“You two did not bet on me.”

“We’re paid shit for this job, Vic. Of course we bet on you,” Rosalyn handed her money. “I’ll buy you lunch tomorrow.”

“What did you bet exactly?”

“Rosalyn said you wouldn’t date a lawyer,” Deedee said. “I bet that you would if you found one you liked who could handle you, so I win.”

“Great friends, both of you.”

“If it helps, we made it back when we first met you,” Rosalyn said.

“That barely helps,” Victoria said.

Deedee was the receptionist, and Rosalyn worked as a paralegal. Both welcomed Victoria as the newest Assistant District Attorney on her arrival, when so many others didn’t give a damn about who she was. They were nicer than a lot of the lawyers that Victoria had to deal with.

Although Victoria was grateful for her friends, sometimes she felt that she couldn’t talk to t

hem the way she wanted to.

District Attorney Andrew Smith walked into her office just then.

“We’ll see you for lunch,” Rosalyn said, pulling Deedee out of the office with her. Victoria saw her mouth, “Ten minutes.” They scurried out of her office.

“Ms. Bellamy, it’s good to see you back here ready to work,” her boss said.

Tags: Alyse Zaftig Romance