Page 15 of Rogue Hearts

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“We don’t have to go anywhere tonight,” she said. “We could stay in.” She leaned in to kiss him, but he dodged her.

“Oh, no. I have too much planned for us not to take advantage. I promise you’re going to enjoy it. Are you ready to go?” he asked.

“Yes, I am ready. Let’s go,” she said.

She wasn’t expecting him literally sweep her off of her feet.

“I am going to make sure your feet never touch the ground,” he said.

“That sounds like a lot of work,” she said, laughing as he maneuvered her through the doorway.

“You’re definitely worth it though,” he said.

As silly as it sounded, he had her grinning like a fool, a big smile spreading across her face. She didn’t know the last time that she’d felt like this.

A limo waited for them downstairs. True to his word, Andrei didn’t set her down until she was in the car.

He moved in next to her and wrapped his arm around her. “We are ready,” he said to the driver.

“So where are we going exactly?”

“My father’s law firm has a jet that we rarely get to use. I thought it would be romantic if we fly down to Montego Bay, Jamaica and spend the weekend. We can have separate rooms if you like, but I think after the last couple of days, we both could use time away from the city.”

“That’s extravagant,” she said.

“Yeah, but you’ll love it. It’s beautiful this time of year,” Andrei said.

“All right. It sounds like fun.” Victoria said. Her thoughts conflicted in her head. She barely knew this man, but she was willing to go away with him. None of this was usual for her. “Lord, don’t let me lose my job for dating a defense attorney,” she thought. It wasn’t exactly against the rules, but the ethical scandal of dating an attorney she’

d gone up against was still there. Feeling him so close to her, he was too fine for any woman with a working sex drive to resist. She felt like she was being ripped apart, pulled in two directions.

They were only leaving for the weekend. She could think about reality when she got back. In that moment, she wanted to just get lost in him.

Chapter 6


They headed to one of the nearby executive airports, one that was known for its exclusivity for the wealthy and a private airport that not many had access to. Teterboro was for posers who wanted to see and be seen. The plane was waiting on the tarmac for them.

She slid out only to have Andrei pick her back up.

“You don’t have to carry me everywhere, you know,” she said. “I’m not in as much pain anymore.”

“Hush and let me do this,” he said as he carried her up the steps. “Besides, I can think of a lot more fun things you can do with that mouth besides arguing.”

“Oh, really?” she asked.

He captured her lips for a brief kiss. “Absolutely.”

They entered the luxurious cabin with pure leather in butterscotch coloring with beige carpet. She sank down into the plush chair near the front of the plane where they were served red wine, cheese, and crackers.

Andrei’s eyes roamed over her like he thought she looked good enough to eat, and she thought about taking him up on that penetrative gaze. She was glad she’d chosen the black dress that accentuated every part of her. Even from where she sat, she could tell that he was excited to be around her, and that made her a little more confident than she might be normally.

“Wine?” he asked

“Yes, please.” He poured her a glass and then filled his own.

“Since we have some time, we might as well use it wisely,” she said.

Tags: Alyse Zaftig Romance