Page 13 of Rogue Hearts

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“Good morning,” he said, finally seeing her. “I have breakfast all set.”

“I see that,” she said, grabbing a pot of coffee and pouring some milk. “How long have you been up?”

“A few hours, but this was nothing,”

She grabbed a piece of toast and buttered it. “You’re going to spoil me this way. I’m not sure if that’s a good thing or not.” She took a bite of her toast, and he just stared at her.

“Oh, it’s a good thing for both of us,” he said. He took her hand and took a bite of the toast she was holding. He chewed slowly and deliberately, savoring the butter, making it hard for her to do anything but watch him.

“Don’t forget to swallow,” he said.

She realized he meant her toast, so she swallowed it down.

That smile he gave her was making her all kinds of stupid, which might have bugged the hell out of her. Instead, it reminded her of what she imagined his mouth doing to her only hours before.

“If you need anything else let me know. I am have dinner on low in the crock pot with some potatoes, onions, and peppers. I’m off to work. I’ll call to check in on you when I get a chance.”

“You don’t have to do that,” she said. “I’ll be fine.”

He moved up to her so she had to crane her neck to stare up at him as he spoke. “I’m calling you, and you’re going to answer. If you don’t, I’ll just race over here and do it in person.”

“Okay,” she said. “I’ll answer.”

“Promise me, or I may have to punish you for not following orders.”

Punish her? Say what? “Look, I appreciate your help, but I’ll be damned if I let you—”

She didn’t have time to react. He captured her mouth in a second, a moment still too long for her brain to comprehend what was happening. His lips were slightly rough but still soft.

Her head was empty of anything but him, that kiss, and the warmth in her stomach. Then his tongue invaded her mouth until she thought she’d fall off her stool. His hand wrapped around her back, preventing that from ever happening. Instead, he pushed her closer to him, so she had to use her hands and place them on his chest.

Hell, that man could really kiss. She was so into it that he shocked her when he pulled away abruptly.

His fingers gently traced her swollen lips. “Answer the phone when I call, Victoria, or I will come back here.”

The dominant sternness in his voice sent a chill over her that also made her body thrum to life. Her body was aware of every hard part of him, even the bulge that had pressed into her. He was most definitely excited, and she was right there with him, though she would never admit it.

“Fine,” she said. “I’ll answer.”

“Good,” he said. He kissed her again, but this time it was a quick peck on the mouth. “Do as I ask and I may have something tonight that will make you feel better.” He winked at her, a half smile on his lips.

“Like what?”

“You’ll find out later, but that’s up to you.”

She shook her head when he grabbed his briefcase and went out the door. He left her staring after him, a little bewildered.

It was almost pointless to try to get any work done. Andrei was in her head with every report she read and every briefing she tried to catch up on.

Being so distracted wasn’t her at all. She didn’t get giddy over men or anxious about seeing them again. Most women she knew, even her friends at work, cared about guys. Did they giggle and gossip about them? Sure.

Her? Nope. She didn’t get butterflies and giggle.

She thought about seeing what Andrei was like frustrated. A few hours after he left, he called her, just like he said he would. She contemplated not answering when she saw his number on her phone, but she wanted to hear his voice too badly to hold out.

“I’m answering,” she said. “Just as requested.”

“I hear,” he said. “That means I get to reward you. I’ll be done in four hours. You may want to find something nice to wear.”

Tags: Alyse Zaftig Romance