Page 31 of Indulgent Pleasures

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He smiled and went to undo the clasp of her bra. “It can wait.”

The bra sprang free and he slid it off and down her arms, watched as it fluttered to the floor. Her large breasts hung free, pink nipples long and hard and just begging for his touch. His mouth.

“Won’t it overflow?” Her voice was a ragged whisper, her entire body a shuddering mass of flesh and he knew she was so turned on she could barely think straight.

Good. For once, he felt like he had the upper hand, a first between them. “Trust me, babe, it’s not going to overflow.”

She met his gaze in the window and watched with wide-eyed wonder as he played with her breasts. He pinched her nipples, tugged them until they were even longer, even more mouth-wateringly delicious than they’d been just seconds before. She shifted, her ass bumping against his front and the need to thrust up within her and fuck her where she stood was overwhelming.

But he held back. Didn’t want to go all fierce on her again as he had earlier in the parking garage. He’d been so crazed for her he’d almost scared himself. Never had he lost such control for a woman, for anything. He’d been like a man possessed, fucking her against his car and the sound of her wet pussy welcoming his every thrust still rang in his head.

Justin breathed deep, closed his eyes and counted to five. Then ten. Trying desperately to draw up some composure and just not finding it.

Of course, he still had her breasts in his hands, all of her soft flesh nestled so perfectly against him. As if she fit, as if she were made for him.

Shit. He was going off the deep end for sure. Maybe this wasn’t such a good idea, spending so much time with her, indulging his needs in her lush, welcoming flesh. He needed some distance, needed to break away from her before he got in over his head.

But that might be too late. He had the distinct feeling he was already in over his head.

And he fucking liked it.

Chapter Eleven

They’d almost had sex at the window but something had stopped Justin and he’d withdrawn from her. Instead he’d led her into the bathroom, kissing and touching her the entire way.

Something had happened between them when they’d stood in front of that window, staring at their reflection, staring into each other’s eyes. She couldn’t quite put her finger on but it was there, hovering between them though they both avoided it.

The way he’d looked at her, the way he touched her had almost made her melt. And the heat in his eyes, the longing she saw for such a brief moment. She could almost believe she didn’t see it after all.

But she had. And it confused her, made her want to ask him what he’d been thinking. She’d chickened out instead.

The bathroom was big, the walls a warm golden color and beautiful Italian tile covered the floor and bathtub. The very enormous bathtub.

He hadn’t been lying. Four people could fit easily in it, reminding Stephanie more of a hot tub versus an actual bathtub. It was full of swirling water, the jets on, steam rising from it and filling the room. Her skin immediately gleamed with sweat, her hair sticking to her forehead and she watched, mesmerized as he slipped out of his boxer briefs.

He had such a beautiful body. The broad shoulders, defined arms, even more defined chest and stomach. She could lick that stomach for hours.

She could lick what hung between his legs for hours, too. His cock was heavy, thick and hard with a bit of pre-come shining in the tip. He wanted her, he always seemed to want her and it thrilled her, how much she could arouse this man with just one glance, just one touch.

Her gaze wandered, lingering on his powerful thighs as he bent over the tub and turned off the faucet. When he turned a red, slashing gash on the side of his knee caught her attention and she realized it was a scar from the accident.

Well, it was one of many scars. His knee was a crisscross of angry looking marks and she was surprised she’d never noticed them before. Though every time they’d had sex before it had been dark or they hadn’t been quite undressed.

Her heart suddenly ached for him, for the pain he must have suffered, the pain he was still suffering.

He noticed her looking and his voice turned gruff as he stepped into the steaming water. “Come on, Stephanie. Join me.”

She did so, going to the side of the tub and he held out his hand and helped her step in. The water was especially hot against her chilled skin and she hissed as she sank into the swirling water, sitting across from him. A large picture window sat above the rim of the tub, yet another view of the ocean just beyond and she shook her head.

“This is unbelievable.”

“Pretty nice huh?” He settled more comfortably against the edge of the tub and he leaned his head back, his body weightless and floating. She felt the brush of his toes against her knee. “I don’t use it as much as I should.”

“If I had this tub I would be in it every day.” Crap. The second the words were out, she regretted them. She didn’t want him to think she wanted more from him than he was willing to give.

“Yeah, well I haven’t spent much time here since I bought it. I’ve only owned the house for two years. Last year I worked on the remodeling. This year is more about relaxing.” His mouth formed into a tight line, his eyes shadowing, dark and unreadable. “Now it’s all about relaxing.”

She hated how disappointed he looked, knew he must still struggle with everything that had happened to him. “Are you saying you remodeled your house yourself?”

Tags: Karen Erickson Erotic