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Lane turned to Delilah, frowning as she took a deep breath and blew it out shakily while smoothing back her hair. “What was that all about?”

She dropped her arm, her expression incredulous. “Do you really have to ask?”

Well. No. But her vicious reaction to Wren’s unexpected appearance truly had shocked him. “You seemed pretty angry at Wren.”

“I was.” Then when he stared at her stupidly, she clarified: “Angry at Wren.” That’s what she did to him. Rendered him stupid when he got too close. Her beauty, her mouth, her intoxicating scent . . . it hit him hard and turned him into an imbecile. “I’ve been waiting for this moment for what feels like forever and she goes and blows it by having to what? Use the restroom? Her timing is freaking impeccable.”

He might have found Delilah’s outburst amusing if he wasn’t as frustrated as she was. “You’ve been waiting for what moment?”

Growling again, she threw her arms out, her hands landing on his chest. With more force than he expected, she shoved him away from her and he went stumbling back, gaping at her while she sent him a look that clearly said screw you. Before he could stop her, she pushed past him and for a moment he could do nothing but let her go.

It took everything in him not to stop her but then, like an idiot, he let her go.

Delilah made her way down the hall before she turned to glare at him, her eyes glowing in the dim light. “I swear to God, you’re the most ignorant person I’ve ever met in my life. Do you do that on purpose or what?”

“Do I do what on purpose?” He scratched at the center of his chest, hating how his heart was still beating erratically, so hard it felt like it was going to bust right through his rib cage.

They stared at each other for a long, quiet moment. He could hear the muffled voices coming from outside, the kitchen door slamming. Most likely it was Wren making her way to the backyard. He hoped like hell she wouldn’t spread rumors about what she just saw.

Knowing his sister, she’d probably tell Harper. And West. And anyone else with ears. She had a big enough mouth.

“You make me insane,” Delilah finally said, her voice . . . sad? Well, hell he hadn’t expected that. Irritation yes. That was the name of their game. But upsetting her? Making her sad? Making her look so damn . . . hopeless?

He didn’t like that. At all. But what could he say? What could he do to make it better? He was an expert at his job. Could handle any tough situation thrown at him. But when it came to women—when it came to this particular woman—he was clueless.

“Figures you’d have no reply,” she muttered. With a roll of her eyes and a flick of her ponytail, she started to walk away but he caught up with her in three long strides, grasping her slender arm so she couldn’t escape. She glanced over her shoulder at him, those big brown eyes wide and full of so many questions. Questions he wasn’t prepared to answer.

“I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice low, his stomach doing weird flip-flops whe

n her gaze dropped to his mouth and seemed to linger there. The electric buzz was still there, sizzling between them, pinging between their bodies, and he felt as if every hair was standing on end.

“You say that a lot, you know.” She sighed and carefully disentangled her arm from his hold. He immediately missed touching her. “It doesn’t have to be this difficult.”

She was right. He fought the attraction they had for each other constantly. “I don’t know if you understand what exactly I’m struggling with . . . ”

“I think you struggle with the same thing I do. You’re just not brave enough to go for it.” She stared him down but he refused to flinch. Delilah had basically just called him a coward. And that hurt. “I don’t know how much more obvious I need to be.”

“Dee—” He started but she reached toward him, her fingers settling on his parted lips; that tiny, seemingly innocent touch searing him to his very soul. But there was nothing innocent about Delilah. Not when it came to the two of them together. She knew just how her touch affected him. And he knew he had the same effect on her.

She lifted her gaze to his once more. “You know we want each other.”

His entire body went stiff. Especially his dick.

“You know I’ll do whatever you want, whenever you want,” she continued. “Wherever you want me.” Her voice was full of so much fucking promise that his mouth went dry. Never had she talked to him like this before.

“You don’t know what you’re saying,” he practically choked out. She couldn’t know what her words did to him. If she kept this up she’d tear down every one of his defenses and he’d finally give in.

He frowned. That didn’t sound like a bad idea.

“I know exactly what I’m saying.” She licked her lips, her lids growing heavy, reminding him of some sultry Hollywood seductress. “The ball is in your court. Your move, Lane.”

And with that she left, leaving behind a cloud of her intoxicating perfume.

Chapter Four

FIVE DAYS. IT had been five long days since Lane last saw Delilah. Since she’d dropped the bomb right into his lap and told him it was his move. She’d told him exactly what she wanted.


Tags: Karen Erickson Wildwood Romance