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“You two have a nice night.” She disentangled herself from Nate’s grasp, shaking her head with a tiny smile on her face. “I’m sure I don’t need to bother telling you that.”

“Thanks,” Janelle said weakly, watching the dancer go.

“Let’s go.” With one quick yank, he had Janelle on her feet and they were weaving through the maze of tables and people, headed for the door.

“What about Ginger? Are you sure you don’t want to try one last time to see if she’s here?” she asked. Stalling, of course. She needed to catch her breath, her thoughts. He was moving so fast…

“We already tried.” He glanced over his shoulder, his gaze heated. “We’ll worry about Ginger tomorrow.”

Janelle stumbled over her feet trying to keep up with his long legged stride, turning his comment over and over again in her head. Panic welled up inside her, words of doubt whispering through her mind and she tried to ignore them.

She needed to go with her gut, not let her negative past keep her down. Only moments ago, she’d felt free and desirable, ready to seduce him.

Now she was wary and nervous. Unsure of his motives, though deep down she felt they were true. They had nothing to do with his wanting to get closer to Ginger. He wasn’t using her.

Was he?

Janelle shook her head once. No. He couldn’t be. How would sleeping with her get him closer to her sister?

The gigantic entry doors loomed ahead of them and Nate’s grip tightened on her hand. He was so strong and so warm, and his hand felt good, wrapped around hers. Their earlier kiss had been dizzying, delicious. She needed to concentrate on that, needed to focus on the way he made her feel.

He pushed through the door, nodding toward the giant man who still stood guard at the front. The cool night air fanned across her face, chilling her heated cheeks and she shivered from the sudden breeze.

“Cold?” Nate pulled her closer, his arm wrapping around her shoulders, his large hand cupping her shoulder.

He made her feel small and protected. She absorbed his warmth, loving the feel of him walking with her in tandem, both of them anxious to get to his car.

“Thank you,” she murmured, suddenly a little shy. Silly considering everything they had just experienced together. At a sex club, for God’s sake.

They found his car in record time, the both of them climbing into it eagerly after he hit the keyless lock. Rubbing her hands together in the hope to warm them up, she turned to watch him as he started the engine. He glanced up, his mouth drawn into a tight line, as if he was about to tell her some grim news.

Nerves gnawed at her gut. No way was he going to change his mind. Would he?

“You’re coming home with me.”

Her mouth dropped open, shocked by his commanding tone. Relief flooded through her. That was not what she expected him to say. “Okay.”

“I’m not going to let you change your mind.”

“I don’t plan on changing my mind.”

“That’s a good thing.”

With lightning quick movements, he was on her, his arms wrapped around her waist, his mouth connecting with hers. The kiss was intense, his lips nudging hers open, his tongue silky and smooth as it moved against hers.

She felt overpowered, overwhelmed and oh, God, she liked it. She slowly slid her hands around his neck, moving up into his silky black hair. She stroked the back of his head, the soft strands curling around her fingers.

Moaning against her mouth, his hands went for her head as well, tugging at the stupid cheap wig until it tumbled off and fell behind her and onto the floorboard.

“Ah, thank Christ,” he whispered, his fingers threading through the ends of her hair. “Your hair is beautiful.”

“My hair is a sweaty mess. That wig was hot.” She sprinkled tiny kisses across his face, her lips brushing against his bristly cheeks.

“It feels good. So soft. You feel good.” His whispered words sent a delicious shiver down her spine.

His mouth captured hers once more, his hands wandering all over her body, stroking her waist, the sides of her breasts. His fingers curled around them, thumbs reaching to stroke her nipples and she couldn’t contain the gasp that spilled at first contact.

Nate became bolder with his every touch, and she arched into his hands, into his mouth. Her skin was on fire, her panties growing wetter and she clutched him close, wanting him closer.

Tags: Karen Erickson Protect and Defend Romance