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The urgent need to find...someone took over and she tilted her head, looking for a sign. And when her eyes alit upon that sign, she gasped so loud, the guests who stood nearby turned to look at her.

She couldn’t move. She couldn’t breathe.

It was Mason.

* * * *

Nerves buzzed through Mason, making him anxious. He clutched the glass in his hand though didn’t drink from it. He wanted no alcohol in his system, rarely drank the stuff for fear of losing that tightly reined-in control he liked to keep.

He’d come to DC yesterday to take part in the final interview of his investigation. James Hewitt had been waiting, wanting to speak with him in private once the interview was finished.

Mason had practically quaked in his shoes. What did Blake’s father want to talk about? Of course, Hewitt knew exactly what happened while they were on Whitney Island. Blake had confessed much of it in the hopes she could convince the internal investigators that Mason wasn’t at fault for what happened.

Was the VP angry? Ready to berate him for what Mason had done to his daughter? Mason could take it, would take it with every shred of dignity he could muster. And then he would confess his love for Blake. That his intentions had been true, and he’d never meant to hurt her.

Something shocking happened in the meeting, though. The investigation was concluded—and they didn’t find Mason at fault, most likely thanks to Blake’s input. Then they informed him of his new assignment—working detail in the White House, starting as soon as he was fully recovered.

Stunned, he’d agreed and they decided on a late January start date, soon after the inauguration of the new president. He’d been fully prepared for more hostile questioning. Instead, they’d offered him a job, an actual promotion. He hadn’t felt this positive, this happy since he last spoke with Blake.

When she’d quit calling him, it was as if his world had crumbled. He’d gone back home, much to the urgent requests of his parents, specifically his mother, and started his recovery there. Still with no word from Blake.

Mason figured she didn’t want him anymore. During his darkest moments, he’d assumed she might have found someone new. But he never saw her in the gossip magazines or blogs and damn his hide, he’d checked. It was as if she’d gone underground, never to be heard from again.

His heart ached at the possibility of that being remotely true.

Wary when he entered the conference room to speak with Hewitt, he’d been startled yet again at the Vice President’s seeming acceptance of him. Hewitt had even called him a hero.

When he mentioned Blake’s name, Mason had gone completely still, waiting to hear any little morsel he could get. Like why she hadn’t contacted him, checked on him to see if he was all right? It hurt, not hearing from her when he’d be laid up for the last six weeks. He’d taken it as a sign.

A sign she didn’t want him. He’d never told her how he felt about her, always keeping her at arm’s length and that had been his downfall. He’d blown it by never telling her the truth. At least, that’s what he believed during those long, col

d nights when his side had ached like a bitch and he couldn’t sleep.

When Hewitt admitted he and his wife were the reason Blake hadn’t contacted him, Mason had been floored. And when he’d given his full permission for Mason to pursue his daughter, he’d nearly fallen off his chair. The invitation to their holiday party had immediately followed and he’d given a silent nod as his answer, too shocked to speak.

Having just arrived, he was impressed with the dazzling decorations, the opulently dressed crowd and the delicious smelling food. He’d heard about the Hewitt’s holiday parties, though he’d never been lucky enough to attend. Not even as an agent on duty.

Craning his neck, he searched for Blake. The real reason he was here. Murmurings about how beautiful she looked tonight had surrounded him only moments earlier, when he’d stood near the bar, his entire body aching to see her.

Did she know he would be in attendance tonight? Would she be happy to see him? After hearing Hewitt express worry over Blake’s dismal mood since returning from California, Mason could only hope the answer was yes.

He tugged at the neck of his shirt, uncomfortable in the monkey suit. Hewitt warned the party was a formal affair so Mason scrambled to find a tux. It had been months since he’d worn a suit on a regular basis and he’d grown used to the casual clothes he now wore.

Tonight though, was all about impressions. Impressing Blake, impressing upon her parents how serious his intentions were when it came to their daughter. How much he wanted to be a part of her life.

Forever, if she’d have him.

He intended to do right by Blake. He wanted her by his side, hopefully for the rest of his life. It had always scared him, the thought of marriage, of pledging his life and love to a woman until the day he died, amen.

For Blake, he would do anything, everything it took. He loved her. So much, it hurt.

Mason frowned. Damn it, the woman turned him into a sap. And for once, he wasn’t going to fight it.

Taking a sip of his champagne, he grimaced and glanced about the room. A flash of red caught his eye and he took a step forward, then another. Blonde hair touched by red and green glimmered like fine spun gold beneath the light from the grand chandeliers hanging overhead. He knew by the swift kick to his heart it was Blake.

He saw her, all of her, and it was as if time stood still. Everything and everyone around her faded until all he saw was her. She took his breath away, clad in a bold red dress that emphasized the creamy softness of her skin, the lush curves of her figure. Her slim shoulders were bare, the long, elegant column of her neck on display and when he saw her face, he knew.

Raw, aching emotion was etched all over her delicate features, her blue eyes cloudy as she looked around the room. She appeared lost, lonely and he swore right then that expression would never cross her face again.

Tags: Karen Erickson Protect and Defend Romance