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“You say that like I shouldn’t question you.”

“You shouldn’t,” he agreed, reaching for her once again.

She took a step back. “So you’re not going to walk away from me? Again?” Biting her lower lip, she gnawed it with worry. No way could she admit how devastated she would be if he rejected her again.

“Ah, Blake.” Realization dawned in his eyes and he reached out, smoothed a hand over her head. His fingers tangled in her hair, stroking it and she wanted to close her eyes, his touch felt so good. “I don’t plan on walking away from you again.”

“Do you mean it?” she whispered, hating how weak she was, that she even had to ask.

He took her hand and pulled her close, wrapped his other arm around her waist, aligning their lower bodies together. She felt him, the thick ridge of his erection pressing against his jeans and she couldn’t resist the urge to rub against him like a cat in heat.

The low growl that he emitted told her that he liked it.

“Of course, I mean it.” Leaning in, he pressed a gentle kiss to the side of her neck, his hot tongue darting out for a lick.

Relief flooded her and her heart tripped over itself. She wound her arms around his neck, buried her hands in his hair. Even with their differences in height, they were a perfect fit.

No surprise there.

“Then shut up and kiss me,” she murmured, lifting her face in invitation, closing her eyes.

When he didn’t make a move, she opened her eyes to find him staring down at her, his expression serious.

“You know the score though, right?” His voice hoarsened. “You do understand where we stand. This is just sex, nothing more. It can’t be anything more.” He dipped his head, the touch of his mouth upon hers little consolation to what he just said. Her hopes were dashed with two little words.

Just sex.

/> And that meant she was a damn fool for thinking it could be anything else. Anything more.

That didn’t mean she was going to deny herself this privilege though. She’d waited too many months for this moment with Mason.

And she was going to savor every blessed second of it.

* * * *

Blake stiffened in his arms for the briefest second, the movement so slight, he probably wouldn’t have noticed if he hadn’t been so attuned to her body, her every breath and tiny shift.

Mason assumed she didn’t like hearing what he’d said but he had to throw it out there. And he meant it too. Really he did.

It didn’t matter how fucking good her curvy body felt in his arms. Or how warm and soft her lips were. Or how sweet her mouth tasted. This was nothing more than two people getting together and scratching an itch. A sexual attraction that was too large to ignore.

A little moan sounded low in her throat when he skimmed his hand down her back, his palm settling just above the curve of her ass. His cock raged to be set free, but he knew if he moved too fast, he’d make a damn fool of himself.

He wanted to take his time and learn her body. Discover where his touch gave her the greatest pleasure. Savor the softness of her skin, skim his fingers along every dip and valley, followed closely by his lips and tongue.

But he wasn’t sure if he could restrain himself for long. Yes, he wanted to take it slow but his racing mind, his over eager body already refused to cooperate.

He plundered her mouth with his tongue, slipping his palm over one plump cheek. She gave a little squeal, squirming against his touch, filling his hand with even more lush flesh.

The urge to spank her, tell her to stop moving filled him and he clamped it down, banishing it away. She’d tell him to go to hell if he did something like that. She was one of the most independent and outspoken women he’d ever known.

He usually went for the quiet type, even the meek type. Blake was anything but.

She tightened her arms around his neck, her slender fingers buried in his hair. Their kiss deepened, mouths wide, tongues lashing and he squeezed her ass with both hands, so hard she yelped against his mouth.

“Too rough? Sorry,” he murmured, his tongue darting out to lick at the corner of her mouth.

“No. Not too rough. Just...mmm.” Her mouth drifted down the column of his neck, lips sucking, tongue licking and he shivered.

Tags: Karen Erickson Protect and Defend Romance