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Closing his eyes, he muttered a quick, “yes, sir,” and scrubbed a hand over his face.

He was in for the long haul. And he didn’t think he could take it.

Chapter Six

“Why didn’t you want to eat at the café?” Blake flashed her new friend a wicked smile, making Suzanne laugh in answer.

“Please. I’m sick of that place. The food is good, but when you nibble on it practically every day forget it.” Suzanne picked up her slice of pizza and took a delicate bite.

Blake watched her then studied her own uneaten slice of pizza sitting on the plate in front of her. They’d ordered it loaded with all kinds of toppings from the one and only pizza place on Whitney Island and her stomach growled loudly.

Pete’s Pizza Parlor was well known and always packed, no matter what time of day it was. They’d agreed to get together for lunch and considering she’d hardly touched her breakfast, she was starving now.

She blamed her earlier lack of appetite on what happened with Mason. She’d kicked him out and they still hadn’t really spoken to each other, with the exception of a few cursory greetings and general questions. He both infuriated and aroused her until she couldn’t think straight.

He made her feel like a fool.

Giving in, Blake took a huge bite, the flavors and heat dancing on her tongue. She chewed with enthusiastic glee, a little moan of approval sounding from her throat and Suzanne giggled.

“You sound like you’re having sex with that piece of pizza.”

Blake swallowed, couldn’t help but laugh with Suzanne. “It’s delicious. And considering my sex life as of late, this is the closest thing to it.”

“Amen to that, honey. I’m afraid I might dry up and blow away like all the leaves around here.”

“But you’re so pretty.” She was. Exotic looking without any cosmetic help, Suzanne never wore makeup besides a swipe of lip gloss and she was still prettier than many of the women Blake had encountered in her life. And she’d seen a lot.

Suzanne waved a hand. “I appreciate the compliment, but please. I’m no big deal. Besides, did you happen to notice the great dearth of men around here? This place isn’t packed with young, handsome, available men, if you haven’t noticed.”

Blake didn’t answer. Of course, she hadn’t noticed. She’d been too entranced with Mason. Not that she would ever admit it.

“I thought you were anti-man anyway,” Blake finally said, wiping at the corners of her mouth with a napkin before she grabbed another slice.

After picking at her meals for the last couple of days, she was downright starving.

“Oh I am, trust me. That’s why this island is so perfect. But that doesn’t mean I don’t notice what’s going on around here, because I do. I notice everything.” Suzanne polished off her slice of pizza and held up a hand in front of her plate when Blake indicated if she wanted another one.

“Well, I’m sure that makes you very popular. Everyone on this island loves a good bit of gossip.” Blake wondered if they gossiped about her.

Oh hell, who was she fooling? Of course, they gossiped about her. They knew who she was. It was like the celebrity come to town every time she showed up, though they never acted like she was any big deal. They kept to themselves and respected her privacy. She liked that.

“They sure do.” The mischievous glint in Suzanne’s eyes got Blake’s guard up. “For instance, I learned a thing or two about you.”

Her heart sunk into the pit of her stomach. This was exactly what she didn’t want to deal with. So she decided to play it cool. “Really?”

Suzanne nodded, taking a sip of her soda. “I thought you looked familiar. Now I know why.”

“So you know.”

“I sure do, Miss VP’s Daughter. I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” Suzanne’s tone was almost accusatory.

And that was the last thing Blake wanted to do, offend her new friend. Talk about starting off on the wrong foot.

“It’s something I don’t really like to talk about. Especially here.” Blake shrugged and set down her pizza slice. She wasn’t hungry any longer.

“Why not? It must be cool having your father be the vice president of the United States. Is he going to run for president someday?”

Oh, good lord, she hoped not, but knowing her father that would be a big ol’ yes. “I have no idea.”

Tags: Karen Erickson Protect and Defend Romance