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And he was also a complete ass.

“More than really nice.” Leaning over the console, she cupped his cheek, her fingers stroking his skin. “Your kisses made my toes curl.”

He kissed her again because how could he resist that?

She broke away first, a little breathless, her expression dazed. “I should go.”

“You already said that.” Evan repeated her earlier words, which earned him a smile.

“I mean it this time.” She reached for the door handle and he touched her shoulder, stopping her.

“I want to see you again.” And again and again and again…

“Okay.” She answered so quickly, so easily. Pleasure surged through him at the realization she was as lost to this as he was.


She nibbled on her lip once more. He was sorely tempted to sooth the wounded spot with his tongue. “This is moving so fast.”

“But it’s a mutual thing, right?”

She stilled and he dove beneath the neck of her cardigan with his fingers, touching bare skin. “Y-yes.”

He took her shaky voice as a good sign. “I don’t want to fight it. I always make excuses. This time I want to give in.”

Her brows lowered as if she were confused. “Fight it? Fight what? Give in to what?”

“This. Us.” He was getting ahead of himself.

But for once in his life, he didn’t care.

Chapter Four

“Emergency breakfast meeting, huh? What could be so urgent you dragged me out of a warm bed filled with my boyfriend?” Mia yawned, immediately covering her mouth with her hand.

Morgan twisted in her seat, completely antsy and not from the giant cup of coffee she just slugged down. “I met a guy.”

“Ooh, really?” Mia’s eyes lit with interest. “Someone better than Don? You know, I’m really sorry about all that. What a bomb that date turned out to be.”

“You already apologized.” Morgan waved a hand. She had no ill feelings toward Mia for matching her with Don. It was water under the bridge—though she couldn’t seem to shake the guy, unfortunately.

“Where’d you two meet? Are you going on a date with him? Give me details.”

Morgan pressed her fingers into the leftover crumbs of the cinnamon roll she had devoured. Her appetite was as out of control as was her energy. She’d hardly gotten a wink of sleep last night. Just laid there and tossed and turned, thinking of Evan.

Evan with the sexy blue eyes and the delicious mouth—man of the wondrous tongue and wandering, skillful hands.

“You’re not going to believe this.” Morgan licked her finger before swirling it on the empty plate once more. “I met him yesterday at the hospital when I was going to get my staples out. He was the paramedic who took care of me the night I got knocked out.”

Mia’s mouth dropped open. “No way. Why didn’t you ever tell us about this guy?”

“There was nothing to tell.” Morgan shrugged. She was a liar. She’d been drawn to him from the start but no way did she want to admit it, even to her friends. They’d nudge each other and give her bunch of song and dance about falling instantly in love and fate and a blah, blah, blah. They were so big on it and she was so down on it, she didn’t want to admit that yes, indeed, she had a strong connection with this guy. A guy she barely knew but she’d had her tongue down his throat and he’d had her nipple in his mouth.

Her cheeks flushed at the memory.

“So are you guys going to see each other? Please tell me you agreed to a date with him. He asked you out, right?”

Morgan nodded and launched into the entire story. The meeting in the hospital parking lot, the sports bar, the intrusion of Don, the fight—she gave Mia every detail.

Tags: Karen Erickson Fated Erotic