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Want to come back to my place for a drink? And maybe…later…wild monkey sex?

Crap. She was hopeless. Maybe she should be 100 percent truthful.

Flynn, there’s something between us. I know you must feel it, because I feel it, too. So let’s go…have wild monkey sex.

She needed to stop while she was ahead. It wasn’t just about wild monkey sex with Flynn—though she was desperate for that, she couldn’t lie—she also liked him. A lot.

Maybe too much.

Fine. On top of her lusty Flynn-filled thoughts, she was feeling down and out. Rejected. Damn Derek—who she hadn’t thought about in months, who she definitely wasn’t in love with anymore—and his stupid engagement picture. After everything she’d learned tonight, she wanted to be reckless. Throw caution to the wind and indulge in Flynn for just one night. Forget the fraternizing rules and just…do what she wanted. When had she ever done exactly what she wanted with no worry over the consequences?


Yeah. That sounded perfect. She needed to focus on the here and now. Grab at what she could, even if it really was for only tonight.

She’d take what she could get.

“Your mind is working overtime.” He reached out with his fr

ee hand, easing the frown line between her brows with a gentle stroke of his finger. Again. “You think too much.”

“I do?” Her voice came out a breathy whisper. The glow in his gaze was unmistakable, and he bent his head, his mouth coming closer. Closer…

Her heart leaped into her throat. She couldn’t believe it. This was it. The moment she’d been waiting for since she’d started working with him. She’d fought her attraction because they had a business relationship and she hadn’t wanted to risk taking that relationship any further.

She also hadn’t wanted to risk rejection because…hello…rejection sucked. And she was already feeling pretty low at the moment.

“Yeah, you do,” he murmured, all low and husky. Oh yes, and sexy. “I do, too.”

His admission shocked her. “Maybe all that thinking holds us back,” she suggested, leaning into him slightly.

He backed away, contemplating her, his eyes full of surprise. “You’re probably right.”

Yes, she probably was. She liked that they were on the same page with this conversation. “Instead of thinking so much, maybe we should relax and just…let things happen.” She also liked the way his curious gaze zeroed in on her lips, making them tingle.

“Let things happen, huh? Like what?” He smiled, the sight of it short-circuiting her brain. He was looking at her as if he might want to kiss her. This worked. This worked really well. Seeing the heat in his gaze, having him so close, gave her that last burst of courage she needed.

“Like this,” she whispered. Standing on tiptoe, she braced her hand on his rock-hard chest, aligning their mouths just right. He shifted, she tilted her chin up, and then…their mouths connected.

And her heart threatened to pound right out of her chest at the first, delicious touch.

The kiss was sweet, more of a question than a demand. His mouth was hot and soft, his hand moved to skim across her cheek, down the length of her throat until his fingers rested about her nape. He pulled her in closer, a low murmur escaping him when their bodies collided and she parted her lips.

Letting him in.

He released her hand and wrapped his arm around her waist, his fingers spanning her back, and she murmured his name against his lips. She melted into him, sighing when his tongue rasped against hers and, oh, good Lord, she wondered for a brief moment if she was dreaming.

But she wasn’t. Finally, she was in Flynn’s arms, and there was no going back.

Flynn couldn’t believe this was happening. Yeah, he’d been interested in Aubrey from the moment they’d first been introduced, but no way had he been able to act on it. So after a while, he’d put her in the forbidden zone. As in, out of respect for Aubrey, out of wanting to stay professional with the entire publicity team and within the Hawks organization, he’d chosen not to pursue something with her. Hell, he’d stayed away because he didn’t want her to get in his head and screw up his game play while he was in the midst of the play-offs.

Plus, it was in the handbook. Company policy. No fraternizing with fellow employees. He wasn’t about to risk anything when it came to his career. He followed the rules. He definitely didn’t break them.

Not that he’d played much so far. Jared Quinn was, once again, the number-one-ranked quarterback in the NFL, and that left Flynn sitting on the bench in his second-string dust.

And didn’t that just bite his ass?

Tags: Karen Erickson Game for It Romance