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“Quinn’s old injury is flaring up,” Coach Walsh said conversationally. “Not sure how well he’s going to play in Saturday night’s game with that shoulder bothering him.”

Hope lit within Flynn, but he squashed it, needing to play it cool. “Really?” He kept his voice as flat as possible, but damn, it was hard. Was Coach actually telling him he had a chance to play?

“Yep.” Walsh nodded. “Well, we’ll shoot him up with cortisone and hope for the best, but you might need to step in. Maybe for a few minutes. Depends on what sort of lead we’ll have, if you know what I mean.”

“Of course.” Flynn nodded, his mind racing. If he played even two minutes in this weekend’s game, that would be the opportunity of the season. But he’d need to focus. Stay on top of the plays, know exactly what the hell was going on at all times. And he needed to practice like a crazed motherfucker from now until Saturday.

A smile curled his lips, and he thought of Aubrey. She’d love it if she knew he’d merely thought the word “motherfucker,” let alone said it out loud. He liked how she invaded his thoughts at the most random of times.

“You up for a chance for some field time this weekend? No guarantees, but you never know,” Walsh said.

“I’m up for it, Coach. I promise I won’t let you down.” Flynn nodded, excitement buzzing through his veins. He couldn’t wait for this metal can to land so they could hit the practice field and he could play catch-up on whatever new plays they’d added in the past few weeks. The ones that had worked so amazingly well while he’d sat on the bench and witnessed everything.

He knew Quinn had been working some particular magic that had kept the entire team together as though they were born to play with one another.

Flynn wanted in on that magic…big time. And now here was his chance.

“Don’t go bragging to everyone, though, all right? I want to keep this under wraps. The media gets wind of Quinn’s shoulder bothering him, and next thing we know, they’re reporting he’ll need surgery.” Coach shook his head. “They’re gonna go nuts if I put you in or not, but I’d like to keep quiet as long as we can. I mean, look at your latest story. They’ve turned your life into a complete circus.”

Flynn said nothing, since he couldn’t deny it. Interest in his personal life had grown over the past few days rather than receded, like they’d originally hoped. Once everyone had learned that he and Aubrey were together, they’d eaten up their supposed love story with a giant spoon and were ready to dish up more. Harvey fielded the constant media inquiries as best as he could, but he’d informed Flynn just before they’d boarded the plane that it was starting to get out of control.

And for once, Harvey hadn’t looked happy about it. Flynn had been shocked. That guy loved nothing more than the media getting out of control.

The craziest thing? Flynn swore he was falling for her. Fast. Ridiculous, he knew, but he couldn’t help it. She was sweet, kind, could kiss the sense right out of his head. When she smiled at him, when she whispered his name in his ear as she clutched him close right before he came, he believed she could do no wrong.

Yeah. He was gone over the girl, and he had no idea how she felt, which frustrated the shit out of him. Worse, he could get traded and then where would they be? Was he wasting Aubrey’s time? Hell, was he wasting his time?

He wasn’t sure.

His dad was furious with him. He’d been avoiding his calls the past couple of days. She’d admitted her mom was an excessive man hater who didn’t believe in relationships, so she was upset, as well. Their respective families were against them getting together, which didn’t bode well for a future.

Not that their families’ approval should stop them from going after what they wanted.

“I noticed you brought your new girl with you as moral support,” Coach said, interrupting his thoughts. “I’m sure she’s here to work, as well, but I hope she isn’t a distraction for you.”

“No, she won’t be. I won’t allow it,” Flynn said firmly, with a quick nod of his head. He’d give anything to let her be a distraction, but he couldn’t. He needed to look good this weekend. It sure would be nice to impress everyone with his moves on the field.

Walsh chuckled. “You say that now, but I know how you boys work. You don’t think with your brains, you think with your dicks.” His laughter grew.

Flynn ignored it. He’d never thought with his dick before and look how far it had taken him…until he’d been stalled.

Now was his chance. He could make something happen, as long as he stayed focused and didn’t let a gorgeous woman who knew how to fuck him into oblivion distract him.

“Yo, Foley, my woman and your woman want all four of us to go out to dinner together tonight.”

Flynn glanced up to find Nick Hamilton sitting in the seat in front of him, completely turned around so they were facing each other. “I don’t know if I can…” He let his voice trail off, and Coach nudged him in the ribs.

“Dinner ain’t gonna kill you,” Walsh muttered. “There’s being committed and then there’s being an asshole, son. Learn the difference.”

“Yeah, learn the difference.” Nick laughed. “No need to get all stressed-out, kid. Relax.”

“Besides, I’m launching a major practice come tomorrow. Tonight is about relaxing and getting used to the time change,” Walsh added.

Flynn smiled tightly. “All right. If the ladies want to get together, then let’s do it.”

“Excellent. There’s an amazing steak house not too far

from the hotel. We’ll get dressed up and take our women out for a special night on the town.” Nick grinned, rubbing his hands together and looking awfully pleased with himself.

Tags: Karen Erickson Game for It Romance