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Aubrey reached for him, resting her hand against his cheek, and he opened his eyes. “What are you waiting for?” she asked, her voice soft.

He cracked a rueful smile. “I don’t want to move too fast. You feel so damn good, Aub.” Turning his head into her hand, he kissed her palm. “I’m afraid this might end before it really gets started, if you know what I mean.”

His words, the sincerity and humor in his voice touched her deeply. Too deeply. Unable to process pesky emotions at the moment, she dropped her hand and let it land on his shoulder, her fingers caressing his smooth, hot skin. Slowly, silently, they began to move, Flynn withdrawing almost all the way from her body before he slid back inside, the heated friction of his pulsating cock making her moan.

His long, measured thrusts would be the death of her. She knew it. And at the moment, she was okay with it. Fine, so she’d die being fucked by the ever-patient, ever-accurate, and ever-controlled Flynn Foley. At least she’d die happy. Her mother might be ashamed when the headline read, “Hawks Publicist Dies While De-Virginizing Foley,” but Aubrey wouldn’t be around to see it, so no biggie.

She wound her shaky legs around his hips and clung to him, her hands gripping his shoulders so tight that her nails were leaving dents in his skin. He didn’t seem to notice. He was so completely focused on the push and pull of their bodies. His face was full of intent concentration, and sweat beaded on his forehead. She trailed her fingers down the distended cords of muscle in his neck, across his collarbone.

He didn’t so much as flinch. Damn it, she wanted to see him lose control, fall apart, come undone. All of those awesome, amazing things would happen because of her. She wanted to be the cause of his undoing.

“Flynn.” Her breathless whisper made him cast his gaze down to hers. “Go faster.”

Without a word, he increased his pace, and she held him tighter, the wondrous friction their joined bodies created sending sparks of tingling heat deep in her core. She wrapped her arms around his neck, and he reached beneath her with one hand sprawled across her butt and held her even closer, his hips thrusting, his breath hot and heavy near her ear.

“You feel amazing,” he said with a groan, startling her. Had she ever heard Flynn say that word? She didn’t think so, but, oh, it sounded good right now. He sounded ragged, and his movements were becoming less precise, as if he finally might be losing control, and she gripped his neck tight, moving her head back so he could kiss her.

It was a sloppy, decadent kiss, full of open mouths, harsh breaths, and tangling tongues. He rammed his hips, and she writhed beneath him, begging him for more. For him to go deeper, harder, faster, all of those good, delicious words that meant her orgasm was imminent.

Because it was. It so was. Two orgasms in one night, talk about a bonus. The virgin had touched her as though he’d somehow found the Aubrey Cooper playbook and studied night after night just how to make her go off like a rocket.

Like she was about to at this…very…moment.

“Omigod.” The three words came out as one as they fell from her lips. Another magical orgasm swept through her, rendering her s

till, rendering her completely stupid as she moaned Flynn’s name and clung to him as if she would never let him go. She pressed her forehead into his shoulder, wincing at how tight he squeezed her butt but liking it all the same.

His orgasm followed right after hers, his entire body going stiff, a rough sound coming from deep within his chest just as his big, vibrating body was racked with shudders. She ran her hands up and down the wide expanse of his back as his orgasm went on and on, smiling when she felt his lips move against her neck. He whispered her name, his voice tortured, and she felt that little whisper down to the very depths of her soul.

Her eyes flew open, and she stared at the ceiling as they clung to each other, the sound of their frantic breathing filling the room. Great. No way could she settle for this one night with Flynn and then move on. Not after what they’d just shared. She wanted more.

More, more, more.

The words were like a scary mantra in her head. Not good. This was so not good.

Flynn carefully rolled off Aubrey and climbed out of bed, then padded toward the connected bathroom as he removed the condom from his erection. He tossed it in the trash and ran a hand over his hair, his muscles aching, but in a good way. Hell, he felt on top of the world at the moment, as if he’d just scored a winning touchdown. As if he’d conquered Aubrey and made her his.

He stared at his reflection, which he could barely make out in the mostly dark bathroom. What the hell? Was he gonna go all caveman on her and drag her around by the hair, announcing to everyone, as he beat on his chest, “Hands off. This woman belongs to me”?

Grimacing, he exited the bathroom and stopped short at the foot of his bed when he saw Aubrey. She was lying on her stomach, her legs bent at the knees, feet in the air. Completely naked, with that pert ass of hers on blatant display, the graceful curve of her back, all that gorgeous red hair tousled like a wild cloud about her head. She had her cell phone in her hands—when she’d gone and grabbed it so quickly, he wasn’t sure, but damn, the girl had to be fast—and the glow of the screen illuminated her pretty face. She was nibbling on her lower lip, reading something so intently she didn’t seem to hear him reenter the room.

He reached out and tickled the bottom of her foot, making her yelp, and she turned, her expression guilty as her gaze met his, her phone clutched tightly in one hand.

“Sorry,” he said, not sorry at all for scaring her. It had earned him a gander at those perfect breasts of hers, and he was staring at her chest. Blatantly.

And he really didn’t care if she knew it, either.

“I think you just took five years off my life.” He didn’t release his hold on her foot as he skimmed her instep, and she flexed against his wandering fingers, rotating her ankle. “That feels good.”

Flynn gripped her ankle, his thumb brushing over her skin. “You all right?” He wasn’t referring to just the scare. Was she okay after what had happened between them? They did work together, after all. And she’d certainly seemed into it. He’d made damn sure she’d gotten her satisfaction before he’d taken his, but it had been difficult holding back. That first moment of sinking inside of her, all that wet, tight heat clinging to his dick…

Damn. He was getting hard all over again, just thinking about it.

“I’m fine.” She flashed him a soft smile, her gaze skittering away from his. “Great, actually.” A little pause, and that smile disappeared. Just like that. She kept her eyes averted, too. “How about you?”

That she looked so unsure drove him crazy. He hated that. Hated more that he was the one who made her feel that way. He wanted what they shared to be light and easy, not heavy and uncomfortable.

Tags: Karen Erickson Game for It Romance