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“Trust me, you’ve got it bad for him. I can see it written all over your face. And you know what?” Sheridan pointed at her. “It’s okay to feel that way. I know exactly what you’re going through. At first, I wanted to keep my distance from Jared. After a while, I realized I was totally hot for him. And then a little bit later, I knew I was falling for him. That I had fallen completely in love with him.”

“I am not in love with Nick Hamilton,” Willow said vehemently.

“I never said that. But it’s okay to admit you’re falling for him, that you care about him. I know it’s scary,” Sheridan said in a rush, as if she knew Willow was going to interrupt and defend herself—which had been her plan. “Trust me, I was scared to death, especially when I thought it was completely one sided. But you know what I learned?”

“What?” Willow asked, pushing the still unlabeled containers away from her. Forget the monotonous task. She needed some advice.

“I discovered that despite feeling rather alone in my so-called relationship, I wasn’t alone at all. He was standing right there next to me, going through the same conflicting emotions as I was. That’s what got me through it all. Realizing Jared was feeling the same things I was.”

“I doubt Nick feels much of anything for me beyond being a good lay. And that he’s forcing me to date him. So romantic, you know. I’m not at all sure what he wants from me.” Ack, she couldn’t believe she just admitted that, but it needed to be said. That was all they had between them.

Good sex. Nothing more, nothing less.

“Hmm, don’t be too sure about that,” Sheridan said.

“What do you know?”

“I know nothing.”

Willow rolled her eyes. “Give me a break. What’s Nick telling Jared now?”

“I’m telling you the truth. We know nothing. Nick’s been pretty quiet lately,” Sheridan said.


/> Sheridan nodded, grabbing a stack of labels and a stack of containers, starting all over again. At least her labels were a little straighter this go-around. “Yeah, which is totally unlike him, according to my husband. Nick usually has no problems singing the blues about his lacking love life or whatever to Jared. The time he’s been spending with you? He’s pretty much warned everyone on the team he doesn’t want to talk about it. He hasn’t even mentioned your name to anyone.”

“Huh.” Well. That was…odd. And irritating. Was he embarrassed to be with her?

The mere thought both infuriated her and hurt her feelings.

“Don’t huh me. You realize what that means, right?”

“I haven’t a clue.” Willow shrugged. She felt like they were talking in circles.

“It means that you mean something more to him than an easy lay, as you so eloquently put it. When men don’t want to talk about it, it’s usually because they need to process.” Sheridan offered a gentle smile and the sight of it struck fear right in the center of Willow’s heart. “I think he’s falling for you, Willow. And he might be feeling pretty alone in this. You know you’re not one to easily express your emotions.”

Willow went completely still. No way could Nick be falling for her. Blackmailing her for sex? Yes. Having outrageous, mutually satisfying sex on a semi-regular basis? Indeed, they definitely were.

Falling for each other? Letting emotions and feelings come into play? They couldn’t be. That was breaking the rules. And Willow wasn’t one to break the rules. Neither was Nick. He played a game for a living, for the love of God. He was all about sticking to the rules.

“What you’re suggesting is crazy,” Willow said, exhaling loudly. “No way could he be falling for me.” She thought of their night at the Wharf. How they talked as if they were people who actually liked and respected each other versus being forced to go out with each other because of a blackmail deal.

Sheridan merely lifted a brow and kept on labeling.

“And I am definitely not falling for him.” Was she saying that to convince Sheridan? Or convince herself?

“When do you see him next?”

“I don’t know. We don’t make plans until the last minute.” And wasn’t that the number one sign of a typical booty call? It had to be.

“I know he’s been busy. Spending a lot of time with the new publicist.” Sheridan dropped that bit of information so nonchalantly Willow knew something was up.

“Who’s the new publicist?”

“Oh, Nick didn’t tell you? Her name is Aubrey. She’s young, just out of college. She’s been specifically assigned Nick and Flynn Foley, so she’s been working extra close with them lately. Especially Nick.” Sheridan smiled serenely. “His image has taken a small hit ever since his smile and good mood has seemingly disappeared when he’s out on the football field. Supposedly the fans are feeling troubled because he looks so troubled. Which I don’t get if the two of you are getting naked all the time.”

Willow kept all her focus on labeling a gob of containers. No way would she feel guilty about Nick’s crappy on-the-field attitude. He kept talking like he expected more from her but what could he really want? A relationship? She didn’t believe it.

Tags: Karen Erickson Game for It Romance