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“Ah, your wife. So you’re saying that all the recent scandal in the tabloids is—”

“Completely false.” He said it with the sort of confidence that not a soul would challenge. “Sheridan is my inspiration. I played today’s game for the fans, of course, and for my team. But really? This game, this win was all for Sheridan.” Again, he stared into the camera, those beautiful blue eyes seeming as if they looked at her and no one else. “I don’t even think she realizes how much she motivates me. Inspires me. Knowing she’s here watching me play pushes me to do better. She’s my everything.” He paused, as if he realized the importance of what he just said. “Love you, baby.” He winked.

And her heart fluttered.

“Oh, my word, he just said he loved you for all the world to see,” Willow murmured.

Sheridan was in shock. He loved her? Really? “I’m sure not that many people saw it. He’s down on the field and half the people have left the stadium.”

“Sheridan. He was interviewed on the national network that carries the game while down on that field. Plenty of people were watching.” Willow literally squealed. “He just said he loves you.”

“I know, I know. What do I do?” Gripping Willow’s arm, she gave it a little shake. “I need to see him. Right now.”

“Aren’t you two meeting after the game?”

“Yeah, but I don’t want to wait. Help me get on the field? Please?”

“Of course. Let’s do it.” They stood and Willow hauled her into her arms, gave her a quick squeeze. “This is what you want, isn’t it? To be with Jared? For real?”

“Yes.” Sheridan nodded, numb. She couldn’t believe it was happening.

“Then quit looking like your world is going to come to an end and go get him.” Hooking an arm through Sheridan’s, Willow led her down the still-busy walkway that led straight onto the field. The stadium was fuller than Sheridan realized and she swallowed hard over what she was about to do. Hopefully she wasn’t too late.

A team of security stood watch, four big muscular guys dressed all in black. Willow approached them, her expression friendly, flirtatious. “Hey boys, I have Jared Quinn’s wife here with me and she’s dying to get on the field so she can see her husband.”

They scowled simultaneously. “No one’s allowed on the field,” the scariest looking one said, glaring at Willow. “Even the wife of the quarterback.”

“Oh, come on. Did you hear what he just said?” Willow shook her head as she fearlessly approached the men. “He declared his love for her on national television.”

“Big deal,” one of them muttered.

“Willow, come on,” Sheridan whispered, glancing around. She didn’t want to cause any trouble but she was dying to see Jared. And her friend was distracting them by thrusting her chest out and acting more than a little flirtatious…

Seeing her chance, Sheridan dodged to the side and slipped passed the men, earning a loud ‘hey’ shouted in her direction, followed by Willow yelling her encouragement.

Sheridan didn’t look back and ran out onto the field, looking everywhere for Jared. Holy crap, the field was huge. And it felt like everyone was watching her. She couldn’t imagine coming out here every week like Jared did. All of the crowd’s attention on him, all of the pressure of having to perform better than the last time.

Panic washed over her. She didn’t see Jared anywhere. Had he already left?


Relief flooding her at the sound of his voice, she turned to see him standing a few feet away, reporters and photographers still following him. Dirty and sweaty and so freaking gorgeous she wanted to throw herself at him and never let him go.

She ran toward him, stopping just before where he stood, trying to catch her breath, wincing when the photographers aimed their cameras at her and started snapping. “I saw your interview,” she said, swallowing hard.

He turned to glare at his unwanted entourage. “Can I have a private moment with my wife, please? As in, back the fuck off?”

They all did as he asked, but no one moved too far. Considering thousands of people were still in the stands, it wasn’t like they would get a real private moment.

But she didn’t care. She just needed to be with Jared.

He came to her and took her hands in his, big and imposing. His light brown hair tumbled over his forehead, the black lines under his eyes were smeared, and he had a giant grass stain across the front of his jersey. He looked larger than life.

But when she saw the soft glow in his gaze as he watched her, warmth filled her. That was her man beneath all the equipment, and he simply took her breath away. “What are you doing out here?”

“Looking for you. I had to, after I heard what you said.”

He smiled, squeezed her hands in his. “I meant every word.”

Tags: Karen Erickson Game for It Romance