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“Can I get your autograph?” One of the women reached out, and set her hand on Nick’s arm.

He smiled that devastating Hamilton grin, the one that got him laid on a nightly basis. “Sure thing, darlin’. Find me something to sign and I’ll do it.”

The studio burst into a wild, noisy frenzy after that.

Those who were finished handed over their paintings to Jared and Nick, who went right to work. When they weren’t being distracted by autograph and photo requests, Jared let Nick take over the schmooze fest while he went to work framing the canvases. His phone buzzed in the front pocket of his jeans, indicating he had a text, but he ignored it.

Yet when it’d buzzed three times, he knew someone was trying to get a hold of him, so he pulled the phone out of his pocket and glanced at the screen. The three messages were from Harvey.

What the hell is this?

We need to do major damage control.

Call me right now.

Jared clicked the link Harvey had first sent him, dread settling in his gut as he waited for it to open. A gossip site’s web page opened, a picture of Sheridan at the very top with a headline that screamed, Is the Honeymoon Over? Sheridan Quinn Caught Without her Wedding Ring!

Zooming in, he studied the picture, which couldn’t have been taken more than an hour prior right in front of the studio. She wore a frazzled smile, her hand on the door handle of the gallery, and Willow was tugging on her other arm, as if pulling her inside. No wedding ring shone on her finger and the article even intimated that she’d avoided the reporter’s question when he asked why she wasn’t wearing her ring.

Blowing out a harsh breath, he immediately texted Harvey back.

We’ll talk about it tomorrow.

Man, those gossip websites wasted no time, did they? The vultures. He shut off his already-dying phone and shoved it into his pocket.

No way was he putting a damper on Sheridan’s night. She was busy, working with the women, laughing with her friends, giving Nick crap. His canvas task forgotten, he watched her, entranced with her natural ease with people, her sweet, simple beauty. She touched everyone, offered that pretty smile with regularity, and laughed with such infectious joy that no one could resist her.

Especially him.

“It’s nice to see a beautiful young couple so much in love.”

Jared turned to find an older woman standing before him, her face lined with age, her shoulder-length, silvery white hair pushed back with a thin black headband. He stared at her blankly, unsure of what to say.

The woman smiled, her dark brown eyes twinkling. “You and your wife? It’s clear you adore each other.”

“Ah, thank you.” It was clear? To whom? Not the gossip sites. Apparently, they already had them split.

“I was friends with Sheridan’s grandmother, you know.” She nodded with all the confidence of a woman wise beyond her years. “Met her when we were going through cancer treatment at the same time. Yvonne went on to create this event the year after she finished treatment, wanting to celebrate with all the rest of us that we were strong enough to kick cancer’s butt.”

Jared smiled. Sheridan had shared bits and pieces of her past but not much. He appreciated the woman’s candor. “So Sheridan’s carrying on the legacy of her grandmother.” In more ways than one.

“Indeed she is. Yvonne would be so proud of her. She’s such an amazing artist. An amazing woman.”

“I agree,” Jared said softly, his gaze cutting unerringly to where Sheridan stood. She caught him staring, flashing him an intimate, warm smile that filled him to bursting and made him feel like a lucky man, that she belonged to him.

Christ. What the hell was wrong with him, thinking like that?

“She did this even when she was suffering, mourning the loss of her grandma and worried if she could keep the studio last year. This event is much different than last year’s, which is a good thing. She’s such a strong, strong girl,” the woman continued, a gleam in her eyes, as if they were full of tears.

Pride suffused him. His wife touched so many lives and he’d had no idea. She took care of these women, made them feel good, and was gracious with her time, her money, her care. She worked with the local elementary school, volunteering to teach the kids about art. He’d learned that tidbit only a few days ago, after Harvey had told him. Besides all the hours she put in at her studio, teaching classes, private sessions, creating custom artwork for her clients. His wife was busy and on her way to becoming very successful.

And there he was, a part of her life, a pain in her ass generating stupid speculation on a gossip site wondering if their relationship was done for. It was ridiculous. Reminding him yet again his life was a circus sideshow and he was slowly turning Sheridan’s into one as well.

He couldn’t help but wonder why she tolerated him.

Chapter Fifteen

Jared had been quiet the entire ride home, which made Sheridan nervous. She, on the other hand, was buzzing, riding the high from her successful event. She’d had so much fun, felt supported by her friends, and the unexpected surprise of Jared and Nick showing up had delighted everyone in attendance.

Tags: Karen Erickson Game for It Romance