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The incessant buzzing sound was making him crazy. Or maybe that was just having Mindy finally in his arms, kissing the very sense out of him. Damn, she tasted good, felt even better. And if she pressed her braless chest close to his one more time, he swore he was going to haul her over his shoulder and carry her to the bedroom.

Then proceed to have his way with her until they both couldn’t breathe.

But the buzzing continued, in a rhythmic pattern that drove him to distraction. He pulled away from Mindy’s tempting lips, glancing about the room in confusion. “What the hell is that noise?”

“What noise?” She went in for him again, her mouth on his cheek, his jaw, his chin, her hands under his shirt, touching his abs.

He pulled away from her, tilting his head to try and figure out where the buzzing came from. “That noise,” he said, keeping his voice quiet as he listened to the buzz buzz buzz that seemed to be coming from the direction of the kitchen.

She remained quiet, her gaze on his, her lips swollen and damp from his kisses. Prompting him to kiss her again, which he did, though far too briefly for his taste. “Oh no,” she gasped, climbing out of his lap so fast she left a breeze when she hopped up off the couch and ran into the kitchen. “That’s my phone.”

He watched her go, running a hand through his hair, trying to calm his racing heart and raging libido. This was happening between them way too fast. Only twenty-four hours ago they hadn’t spoken to each other in years. Now they were making out like reunited teenagers, ready to take off their clothes and get down and dirty at any second.

Man, they needed to chill. No way could he rush this and potentially ruin it. He wanted whatever he had with Mindy to be given a chance to work, not combust and then burn out quick.

Leaning back against the couch, he stretched out along the length of it, folding his arms behind his head. He’d need to stoke the fire soon—and he meant the one in the fireplace, not the inferno that raged between them. Smiling, he gazed up at the ceiling, studying the overhead fan. His eyes started to drift closed as he wondered what was taking Mindy so long and then he heard her voice. Soft murmurings at first, then they got a little louder.

“No, of course I haven’t been texting Kyle and asking how everything is going,” she whispered harshly. “I’m not trying to ruin your family vacation, Marty.” She paused and Josh’s eyes flew open while he listened intently. That jerk Marty was giving her grief when he was the one who sprung the surprise on her about taking the boys? The guy was an ass.

“I’m sorry Kyle’s been so upset. I can’t help it if he misses me.” More pausing, a little exasperated sigh escaping her. “I can’t believe you’re saying this to me. You act like I’m trying to turn the kids against you when that’s the farthest thing from the truth! You’re their father, Marty. They need you in your life.”

Okay. That was it. It probably wasn’t his place to interfere, but he refused to let Mindy’s ex-husband beat her up over something she didn’t do.

He sat up, climbing off the couch and started toward the kitchen, thankful the fire was still bright enough to cast light so he could find his way. As he drew nearer, he could hear the hostility in Mindy’s voice, the tightness in her tone. Clearly she’d had enough.

Yet she still listened to Marty.

“I’m not trying to ruin your wedding! God, if you would’ve prepared us from the beginning about this, the situation might have turned out completely different!” she suddenly yelled.

Yeah, that was it for sure now. Josh strode into the kitchen, his presence making Mindy’s eyes go wide and her mouth drop open. Without a word he reached out, grabbed the cell phone from her fingers, and hit the end button, ending the call.

“Wait a minute. Y-you just can’t hang up on him,” she sputtered.

“I can and I just did,” he said grimly, returning the phone to her. “You don’t need to tolerate his abuse, Mindy. You shouldn’t let him talk to you like that.”

She sighed, looking completely defeated. “You’re right. I know you’re right. It’s just…I’ve dealt with him for so long, you just get used to it you know?”

“He’s not your problem anymore. That privilege now belongs to Bobbi. So remember that and tell him he can go screw himself the next time he tries to talk to you like that.”

Mindy blinked up at him, her expression frozen. Like a zombie she held up her phone. “I should call him back,” she whispered.

“No. You shouldn’t.” He plucked the phone from her before she could. “Stop letting him control you, Mindy.”

“He doesn’t control me. Besides, what do you know? Not like you’ve been around. You have no idea what my life is like.” Aw hell, she was fuming mad. “You think you can waltz back into my life, hang out with me for a few hours, kiss me senseless, and then tell me what to do and how to feel? I don’t think so.” She snatched the phone from his fingers before he could utter a word in protest.

“I’m not trying to tell you what to do. I’m just trying to protect you,” he said but she cut him with a look.

“I don’t need your protection. I’ve lived without it for quite a few years now and I’ve done just fine.” She lifted her chin, stubbornness written all over her face. He recognized that look. They went through a stage when they were really young where they’d butt heads all the time.

“Right. We were friends, and then we weren’t.” He rubbed his hand along his jaw, his brain churning. This was probably best. He couldn’t risk getting close to Mindy again only for her to leave him. Reject him. Whatever.

He flat-out couldn’t stand the thought.

“Exactly. We’ve lived without each other this long. We…we probably wouldn’t work out. As friends. Or whatever else.” She waved a hand, waving away thoughts of them together.

Dismissing him outright.

“Yeah. This is best. I agree.” Before she could say another word, he turned away from her, exiting the kitchen. Walking away from the only woman who was capable of breaking his heart not just once, but twice.

Tags: Karen Erickson Lone Pine Lake Romance