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She tried to make her quick escape but he was faster, grabbing hold of her wrist and not letting her go. “So that’s it? You make your request, don’t wait for my answer, and then leave me here, all within five minutes?”

“I thought your non-answer was your answer.” She sounded—and looked—completely perplexed. And completely adorable.

“I definitely didn’t answer.” He slowly shook his head, his thumb sweeping along the sensitive skin inside her wrist. Her fingers curled, the tips brushing against the edge of his hand and triumph surged through him. He knew he got a reaction out of her with that one simple touch. What if he really went for it?

His brain was fully engaged now and out of sleep mode. Time to kick it up a notch.

“What are you saying, Josh?” Her voice had dropped to a breathy whisper, full of all sorts of promise and potential and his brain kicked straight into overdrive.

“This is by far the most confusing conversation I’ve ever had, all for a rather simple request, don’t you think?” He sat up straighter, pulling himself closer to her, and he braced his free hand on the couch, close to Mindy’s hip. “I mean, all you asked for was a kiss.”

A trembling breath left her, with a hint of mint from her toothpaste and he wondered if she tasted minty, too. “It was stupid.”

He raised his brows. “What? Asking for a kiss?”

“Yes. I shouldn’t have done it. Here we are, trying to become tentative friends again and instead I’m blowing it. Asking for more than you could ever want to give.”

“Who said I didn’t want to give you what you asked for?” He was mean, making her scramble but it was sort of fun. Reminded him of how he used to tease her when they were kids. “Like I said, it’s only a kiss.”

“If it’s only a kiss, then why are we talking so much about it?” A little whimper escaped her when he reached out and tucked a stray tendril of hair behind her ear, then smoothed the side of her face with his index finger. Damn, her skin was soft.

“I don’t know. Maybe you’re nervous. You always did like to chatter when you’re nervous, Min.”

A huff of laughter left her and her eyes sparkled in the dim glow of the firelight. “Even after all these years you don’t forget, do you?”

“I can’t forget anything if it has to do with you. It’s all locked up in my brain. Every little fact about you, every tiny thing. You consumed me for years yet you had no idea. When it was…over between us, I was devastated. Sick. Mad. Jealous as hell.” He shook his head, banishing his thoughts. “But that’s all in the past and I’m over feeling that way. I’m all for letting it go.”

“Me, too.” She closed her eyes when he traced the delicate line of her jaw with his index finger. “I—oh, wow, I never thought it could be like this between us.”

“Like what?” He had no idea where she was going with this but he didn’t care. He knew exactly where he was going in about thirty seconds.

Straight for her lips.

“So easy. Sexy.” She swallowed hard, and he caught the movement of her throat. “I really wish you would kiss me now, if you’re going to do it.”

“What if I want you to wait? Anticipation is half the fun,” he teased, feeling like a jackass yet he was also enjoying himself. Hopefully she’d understand, she’d get him.

And hopefully he’d make this kiss worth the wait.

“The anticipation is slowly starting to kill me,” she admitted.

“Hmm, well we wouldn’t want that to happen because that means you’d miss out. And we can’t have that.” He cupped her cheek, stroked her baby-soft skin with the tips of his fingers as he drew her in. Close. Closer, their lips perfectly aligned, their heads to the side, their body language speaking to each other big-time and liking what the other had to say.

“Josh.” His name was an achy little whisper, her voice sending an arrow of lust straight through him to settle between his thighs. Damn, the woman was good. Too good. And they hadn’t really even done anything yet.

“Yeah?” He kissed her cheek, the petal-soft skin, the scent of her fragrance driving him wild. If he didn’t watch it, he’d push her down on this couch, strip off her clothing, and have his wicked way with her for the rest of the night.

“P-please.” Ah, she was stuttering. Time to put her out of her misery and close the deal.

He brushed her mouth with his in a featherlight kiss. Once. Twice. Slid his hand from her cheek into her hair and pulled her close to him, his fingers curling into the silky strands, tightening his hold. She opened for him and he swept his tongue inside her mouth, sliding it against hers, the kiss deepening, heating. A soft murmur of pleasure left her and he swallowed it, devouring her, taking the kiss even deeper, hotter in a matter of seconds.

His blood rushed through his veins, settling in his groin. Just like that he wanted her. More than ever before.

And for once, he was glad of it. Wanted to prove to her this was more than a simple kiss to make up for old times. That maybe what they had here could be something real and good and full of so much promise…

He broke the kiss first before it got too out of hand and stared at her, loving how flushed and tousled she looked. Pride surged through him. He put that look on her face and her hair was a total mess because of his fingers. “Now that—”

“Was amazing,” she finished for him, offering a shaky little laugh that really wasn’t any sort of answer.

Tags: Karen Erickson Lone Pine Lake Romance