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“I don’t really feel bad, just tired. Water sounds great, though.” He felt awkward, standing by the bed in her guest room, drinking in her quiet beauty while he felt like he could topple over and fall asleep at her feet.

What did she think of him? Why was she being so nice? He could’ve gone on home and taken care of himself no problem.

But it was kind of nic

e to have a woman want to help him. He had to admit that.

“I’ll leave you alone for a few minutes, but I’ll be back, okay?”

“All right.” He nodded, took a step backward, and bumped into the edge of the bed. The last thing he wanted was to give her this sickness, so she could then spread it to the rest of her family. “You better steer clear of me. I don’t want to get you all sick.”

She smiled, the flash of teeth noticeable in the dim light. “I’m an old pro at taking care of the sick and needy. I have three children, remember? Lots of hand washing and keeping the kids away from you will be enough, I’m sure.” And then she left, the door clicking softly behind her and the quiet coolness of the room soothing his frazzled nerves. He discovered there was a connecting bathroom and, thankful for it, he splashed ice cold water on his face, though it only offered temporary relief.

He was so tired, he felt a little out of his mind with it.

Chris stripped, leaving on only a T-shirt and his boxer briefs, and then climbed into bed, thankful the sheets were cool cotton and not warm flannel. They soothed his weary bones and he sighed with relief. Head buzzing, he slid his eyes closed with ease. The exhaustion came swiftly, his achy bones settling into the mattress, and he curled onto his side, nestled his head into the soft, but not too soft pillow.

The bed was comfortable, the noise minimal, almost pleasant, comforting. The muffled sounds of the cartoon playing on the TV, the occasional chatter from one of the kids, and Jane’s soothing voice calmed him. Filled him with contentment. He could grow entirely too comfortable in this house, with this woman.

Jane’s pretty face was the last thing he thought of before he drifted off to sleep.

Chapter Ten

Jane stood in front of the guest bedroom door, her fingers wrapped around the handle and ready to turn.

Was Chris still resting? Did he feel okay? He’d been in there for hours. His truck had caused a few questions on Patrick’s and Lyssa’s part when they stopped by to drop off Lexi before they left for home. Patrick had put on the overprotective big brother act and drilled her about Chris and why the guy was holed up in a bedroom at his house. One of the only times he’d referred to it as his since they suggested she stay there.

And once Lexi had found out he was there, she’d thrown a minor hissy fit, stomping around and whining for her cousins, her grandparents, anyone but her mom. She’d even gone to her room and cried for her daddy.

The guilt had hit Jane so hard it left her breathless.

It neared dinnertime and she’d grown concerned. The sun had long since set and her children were all bathed and ready to eat. She’d made something simple, spaghetti, and she wondered if Chris might be hungry.

So she stood in front of the door like some sort of chicken instead of the grown woman she was, hesitation consuming her when she should just walk right in and check on him. Offer him dinner if he was awake. Suggest that maybe he should head on home before it turned into an overnight stay.

She couldn’t have him stay overnight. What would the kids say? Lord, what would the neighbors say? Lone Pine Lake was too small, and everyone knew Chris’s truck. Having it sit in her driveway would cause a ripple of gossip. But she couldn’t worry about it now.

Resolve made her spine stiffen and she turned the door handle, quietly so she wouldn’t disturb him. The room was pitch black. She only heard the steady, even breathing of a man asleep. Walking into the room, she approached the bed and quietly cleared her throat, hoping it would wake him.

It didn’t. In fact, a soft snore sounded and she knew she’d have to shake him awake if she wanted to talk to him.


Jane turned to see Lexi standing in the doorway, her little mouth scrunched up in anger. “Lex, give me a minute.”

“When is he going to leave?”

She wondered what had changed her daughter’s mind about Chris. At the fire station, she’d thought he was wonderful, hadn’t been able to stop talking about him after they’d left. But the minute she’d seen him as some sort of threat for her mother’s affection, he’d turned into the enemy.

“Lexi, please be nice.”

“He shouldn’t be here,” Lexi protested. “Tell him to go.”

“He’s sick. I can’t make him leave.” And he’d also just woken up. She heard the rustle of the bed covers, a body rolling over, and she hoped he hadn’t heard what Lexi said.

“Chris?” She took a couple of steps closer to the side of the bed, the light from the open door allowing her to make out his shadowy figure.

He didn’t answer, though she thought she heard an unintelligible murmur come from him. Kneeling, she reached out and brushed the back of her hand against his forehead.

Tags: Karen Erickson Lone Pine Lake Romance