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“Is it really that simple? I mean, aren’t you still hurting over what happened? I would be devastated if Todd did that to me.” Lisa shook her head.

“I really don’t want to talk about this right now. I’m trying to move on,” Stacy said firmly.


“I mean it,” Stacy interrupted. She offered Lisa a smile. She knew her friend meant well, but she didn’t want to dwell over the breakup. There wasn’t any point to it. “I appreciate your concern, but it, uh, will start to upset me if we talk about it too much.”

“Oh. Yes, of course. I’m sorry, Stacy. I just—I wanted you to know if you need anything, want to talk, whatever, I’m here for you. I mean, I know I’ve already said that, but I just wanted to tell you again. Todd and I, we worry about you. You’re our friend.”

“That means a lot to me, your offer. Really it does.” Stacy reached out and grabbed her friend’s hand, giving it a squeeze. “Thanks for being such a good friend.”

Stacy watched as Lisa went to the back, then heaved a quiet sigh of relief. She was so sick and tired talking about Keith. Reiterating everything that happened two weeks ago now. Yeah, it wasn’t that long ago, but she couldn’t linger over it. It was pointless.

If she was being completely honest she had to admit their relationship had hit a rocky point probably a year ago. Even before she discovered him in her underwear. She’d pushed for the engagement because she was afraid of being alone. He’d gone along but she’d felt an undercurrent of reluctance. And just as soon as he slipped that ring on her finger, they’d grown even

more distant. To the point where she rarely saw him.

Because he was too busy living a completely different life that didn’t involve her.

The receptionist hurried toward her, a confused expression on her face. “There’s someone here to see you.”

“Who?” The only reason she had Lisa do her hair was because they both had a free two hours. She had an appointment at five but it was a quick haircut and it was only three-thirty. No way had he shown up yet.

“Some guy, I have no clue who he is. Said he wanted you to cut his hair.”

“Did you tell him I was unavailable?”

“He insists on seeing you.” The receptionist bit her lower lip nervously. “I didn’t book an appointment on accident, I swear. I have no idea who this guy is.”

Stacy reached up and touched her hair. She looked like a freak. “I’m not about to go out there and talk to him. I mean, look at me. Tell him to make an appointment and come back then.”

“I’ll try,” the receptionist said with a forlorn sigh as she turned and headed back toward the front of the salon.

And that’s when Stacy saw him. That hard, lean body propped against the front counter of the reception area, looking as gorgeous as he pleased. Even better in daylight, she couldn’t help but think, wearing perfectly worn jeans and a white T-shirt that clung to his muscular chest. His hair was stylishly spiked up just at the front, his mouth curved into a charming smile as he spoke to the poor, dumbstruck receptionist and then his gaze lifted. Met hers and his smile grew.

Just like that, her panties did that strange melting thing again and the air lodged in her throat. She glanced around in a panic as he started toward her, wishing there was somewhere she could hide but it was no use.

He was too close, and she looked way too ridiculous.

“I thought you did hair.” He stopped just in front of her chair. “Looks like you’re getting your hair done.”

“Uh, yeah I had some free time.” She reached up, ran a self-conscious hand over the foils. She must look an absolute mess.

“Gotta look good for your clients, right?”

“Exactly.” She nodded, watched him warily. “How did you find me, Eric?”

Again that devastating smile and again her panties melted. “I have my ways.”

“Why did you find me?” Her heart thumped madly and she breathed deep, tried to calm it. He’d actually sought her out. After she walked away from him, here he was.

What did that mean?

“I wanted to apologize.” His face grew solemn, and his gaze locked on hers. “For what happened the other night. I was an asshole.”

“Well, you did warn me.”

His brows lowered. “What?”

Tags: Karen Erickson Erotic