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“Okay, I need you to press yourself against the glass.”

Stacy cast him a wary glance as she stepped closer to the door, her breasts brushing against the glass. She gasped and jumped back. “It’s cold.”

“Do it, baby. For our neighbor.” He flicked his head in the man’s direction.

Nibbling on her lower lip, she stepped closer, pressed her breasts fully against the glass. Eric stepped in behind her and grabbed her wrists, lifting her arms high and pinning them to the door. Her hands splayed, fingers pressing against the cool glass as his grip tightened around her wrists.

He had her bound already once tonight. And he thought he might continue the theme.

Rubbing against her, his cock slid between the round cheeks of her sweet ass. He pushed against her, closed his eyes when he felt the warm, alluring heat of her pussy so close to the head of his cock. “You want me, don’t you?”

She nodded and thrust her ass out, causing him to slide further, closer to her wet, welcoming sex. “He’s watching us. He’s spread his legs, and he’s letting me see his cock.”

She stumbled over the last word and he couldn’t help but smile. She was so sweetly innocent and raunchy all at once. “You like looking at his cock while I feed you my cock?”

“Eric.” Her voice trembled, her hands braced more firmly against the giant glass window. “Please.”

“Do you want me inside you? Or do you want to suck on this first?” He thrust against her again, letting her feel just how hard and heavy he was for her. He could’ve come earlier when he pounded himself deep inside her tight body but he’d restrained himself. Wanting to make it last.

Wanting to drive the both of them crazy.

A weak little noise escaped her, not quite an answer but not quite a protest either.

“Turn around.” He grabbed her shoulders and whirled her around, watched the tantalizing swing of her breasts as she did so. Her nipples were rock hard, irresistible and he reached out, pinching them both between his thumbs and index fingers before his hands dropped away from her. “Get on your knees.”

She did so without complaint, her hands immediately grasping his hips and bringing him closer to her parted lips. She licked at the very tip of him, a slow, tantalizing drag of her tongue that nearly unhinged him where he stood. Having her submissive in front of him, doing his bidding with no protest and all the while his neighbor watched, it was too much.

Just too damned much.

Stacy was beautiful, her hair wild, sucking him with unabashed pleasure. She slid him deep inside her mouth, her tongue lashing, lips slurping noisily as she moaned around his shaft. He plowed his fingers into her hair, gripped either side of her head as he began to thrust. Deeper, deeper still, fucking her mouth, groaning with every drag of her lips until he felt the familiar buildup, knew without a doubt he was close.

“Not like this,” he rasped, his voice hoarse, his breathing erratic. He tugged on her hair and drew her off him and she gazed up at him with confusion etched all over her face. “I want to be inside you. Stand up. Turn around.”

She got to her feet and turned, offering her lush backside to him. Without his order, as if she read his mind she placed her splayed hands on the cool sliding glass door and bent over. Offering him a view of her wet, pink folds.

“Fuck.” He went to his bedside table and withdrew a condom, sheathing himself with lightning movements. Rushing back to her, he took a hold of her slender waist, ran his free hand across her silky smooth ass, earning a shiver out of her. He wanted to tease, wanted to watch her jump out of her skin and he dragged his index finger down the shadowy crack of her ass lightly, tickling her, making her giggle and squirm.

Without warning he lifted his hand away and gave her a resounding, hard smack across one pretty plump cheek.

“Ouch!” She jumped and he watched in satisfaction as her skin reddened from his palm. He couldn’t remember the last time he gave anyone a little swat on the ass.

“Tell me that didn’t just make you wetter,” he murmured, bending over her, his front pressed against her back. Their bodies were sweaty, their skin stuck together for the briefest moment, binding them. “Tell me you didn’t like it, and I’ll never do it again.”

She was silent but for the low whimper that escaped her as she rubbed wantonly against him

. Her ass brushed his cock, and he slid inside her easily. Fully, balls deep.

Damn, she was wet. Their mingled groans filled the room, and he glanced out the window. Saw that his mysterious neighbor watched them. His mouth slack, his eyes like slits as he continued to stroke himself in time with Eric’s strokes inside Stacy’s willing body.

“Oh God, I’m gonna come,” she said on a moan, her head bent low, all attention to their watcher long forgotten, at least on her part. She was too wrapped up in the incessant fucking, the meeting and connection of their bodies. He thrust harder, faster, his hands gripping her hips so tight surely he’d leave a mark.

He found at the moment, he really didn’t fucking care. Hell, he could almost get off on the thought of leaving a mark, of marring her skin, marking his territory, letting everyone know that she belonged to him. She was his.


The single word ran rampant through his brain.

Mine, mine, mine.

Tags: Karen Erickson Erotic