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“Are you trying to leave without admitting it?” Oh damn, she was good. Too good. She had him all figured out and she didn’t even really know him.

Yet it felt like she did.

“Hell no, I would never do that,” he answered weakly. “I’ll be back.”

Liar, liar, liar.

The word taunted him as he strode through the restaurant, dodging a waiter as he moved through the maze of tables. He didn’t look back at where Stacy sat, he couldn’t. One look at her sitting there waiting for him and he’d go back. Do something stupid. Or worse, he might say something stupid and he couldn’t do that.

He couldn’t risk it.

Eric went to the counter, paid their dinner bill accompanied by a generous tip and fled the restaurant.

“Didn’t I see you here a few nights ago?”

Eric glanced up from his third beer to find a very attractive man standing before him. Clad in designer jeans and a stretched-tight white T-shirt, the man exuded raw sexuality just standing there.


“Probably,” he answered with a wicked smile, turning his full attention on the man, who eyed him with unabashed interest. “Come here often?”

“Now isn’t that the oldest line in the book?” The man smiled, his teeth extra white against the bronze of his skin and Eric grinned in return.

“Yeah, but it works.” Confidence flowed through him, as did the beer and he finally felt good. In his element and on top of his game. They chatted, made small talk and he found out the guy’s name was Rob. Rob was twenty-three, a recent college graduate hard up for a real job and working as a waiter at a popular restaurant not far from the bar.

Tonight happened to be Rob’s day off. Eric silently thanked his lucky stars.

It didn’t take much convincing on his part to talk Rob to go into the darkened hall in the back of the bar hardly anyone knew about. He led Rob back there with ease and as soon as they rounded a corner he had Rob pressed against the wall, their mouths locked, tongues dancing. The kiss turned instantly erotic, Eric’s cock hardened when Rob’s hands wandered all over him. Anxious and eager, Eric rubbed against him with a purposeful thrust, letting him feel his growing erection and Rob groaned into his mouth.


“Suck my cock,” Eric commanded and without hesitation Rob went to his knees, his hands resting on the front of Eric’s jeans. Quick fingers undid the snap and slid down the zipper. Eric’s breathing increased as he watched Rob from beneath hooded eyes. Watched as he spread the fly of his jeans wide, stroked his fingers down the length of his cotton-covered erection. Rob touched him, teased him until Eric finally had enough and growled, “Do it.”

A low chuckle sounded from Rob and he reached inside, withdrew Eric’s heavy cock from its confines.

“Nice,” Rob murmured and Eric wished he would just shut up and do what he asked. Draw his cock into his mouth and suck him deep until

he shot his load down his throat. Then he’d zip up and go home.

But first, he needed to come. And he didn’t give a shit if Rob wanted to come or not. He wasn’t going to offer.

He only wanted to take.

Within moments he had his wish. Rob’s mouth wrapped tight around the head of his cock, his fingers curled around the base of him. Sucking and stroking, licking and squeezing and Eric pumped his hips, fucked Rob’s mouth. He reached out and gripped the back of Rob’s head, holding him firm as he flexed his hips and increased his thrusts. Felt the lash of Rob’s tongue, the hot, urgent suction of his mouth and he knew he was close. It was so easy, how fast his orgasm came upon him, threatened to overwhelm him.

He thought about trying to make it last but fuck it, he gave in. Let the sensation wash over him as his entire body was overcome with incessant shudders and his semen spurted from the tip of his cock. Rob groaned, swallowed it all down with a satisfied groan and finally, finally Eric pushed him away. Zipped up his jeans, patted Rob on the head and walked out.

Feeling like complete shit, feeling guilty.

Thinking of Stacy the entire drive home.

He wasn’t worthy of her. She deserved better. He told himself he would never see her again. She didn’t need him. He would only hurt her. Hell, he probably already had.

Eric kept the mantra up even as he lay in bed, staring up at the ceiling. He couldn’t sleep. Replayed the moment at the restaurant over and over again, remembering what she’d said and how much it scared him. He’d left her there. Straight up ditched her like some sort of complete asshole and he bet she wouldn’t want to see him again even if he tried. That would be the best move on her part. The smartest move.

He was a whore. The quick, stolen moment with Rob the stud in the back hall of the bar left him feeling empty inside—and completely unsatisfied. He’d set himself up for a lifetime of meaningless crap and the thought of it, the absolute devastating image of him living his life just like this for the rest of his days depressed him so much he almost wanted to fucking cry like a baby.


Tags: Karen Erickson Erotic