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It didn’t help that he had a sexual aura that drew her in, drew practically anyone who met him. She’d gone out with him to gay clubs, though that had been a long time ago, when they’d first started living together. The stream of handsome men hitting on him had been endless. Austin would flash that boyish smile and turn them away, swearing he would pay attention to only her that night.

She’d ignored the kick her heart gave at his words, the sizzle of awareness that flushed over her at the look in his eyes, the sincerity on his face. He was sweet, he was kind and yet there was that sexual thing she couldn’t quite put her finger on lying just beneath the surface.

It had been a way too sobering moment seeing Brad leave their apartment. And it was definitely him. She saw him get into his older model Honda and drive out of the pa

rking lot.

She knew why Brad was over at five in the afternoon, she wasn’t stupid. He and Austin had probably fooled around. Restless need welled within her and she imagined walking in on them, catching them naked and touching each other. Their hands stroking, mouths fused, limbs entangled…

What would they do if she did happen upon them together? Would they be embarrassed and stop? Would they continue on and let her watch? Or maybe they would let her join in…

Sweat beaded her brow at the thought of watching them. Or…gulp…being with them. All three of their bodies entwined, mouths fused, cocks in her hands, fingers in her pussy.

Good Lord, it was hot outside. She shifted her thoughts, wondered idly who preferred to be on top, a thought she’d entertained more than once. She had a strong suspicion it was Austin.

God. This was the very last thing she needed to think about.

Michaela hurried up the steps that led to their apartment, her pounding feet making the entire stairwell rattle. She was desperate to get inside, lock herself in her bedroom and change her clothes, maybe throw on a simple tank and cotton shorts and lounge around in bed for the rest of the night.

Pull out her vibrator and have a little one on one session once Austin left for work.

She paused at the door, a frown curling her mouth downward. Yes, it was confirmed. She’d definitely entered into the I’m-a-pitiful-loser realm. Who knew she would get there so fast at the mere age of twenty-five.

The apartment was quiet when Michaela entered and she closed the door, heard the unmistakable sound of the shower running coming from Austin’s bathroom. Probably washing off the scent of sex before he headed to work.

Michaela winced. God. She really needed to stop.

But this was perfect. She could sneak by and lock herself away in her bedroom. He might not even know she was home and she could avoid him, though that normally wasn’t her style.

She really didn’t want to see him after he had had sex with Brad. Just the idea of it kind of freaked her out, why she didn’t know. She’d never been freaked out by it before, and he’d had his share of dates over in the time they’d lived together.

You know why. Because you’re jealous and you wish you were the one having sex with Austin, not Brad.

Yes again, a futile thought on her part. Lusting after a man that wasn’t interested in her or her entire gender. Oh, he’d claimed he was bisexual to her before, more than once and that he’d had a few relationships with other women, but she didn’t believe him. He’d been only with men since they’d met. Had never shown much interest for any woman besides the occasional Victoria’s Secret model, and they didn’t count in her eyes. Babies and senile old ladies thought they were beautiful so, of course, he would too.

She shook her head as she walked down the short hallway, pausing at the open door of Austin’s bedroom. It was clean, though the bed was sort of a mess. Kind of made, kind of not. Like someone—or a couple of someones—had rolled all over it.

Ugh. Yeah, she needed to get moving and quick.

“Hey. I thought I heard you come in.”

Michaela nearly jumped out of her skin at the sound of Austin’s deep voice. She turned in his direction, grabbed hold of the doorframe for support when she caught sight of him.

He was standing in front of the open bathroom door, steam pouring out of the doorway, his skin and hair damp and only clad in a towel. The towel clung low to his lean hips, revealing acres of skin she would gladly explore with her hands and mouth and tongue.

She swallowed hard, searching for something to say while he stood there, one dark brow cocked, his fingers clutching the side of the towel. It looked ready to slip off. She was tempted to walk up to him and tear it off.

What would he do? Laugh and smack her butt with the end of the towel? Get an erection and jump her bones?

God, she wished.

“I saw Brad.” She swallowed again, noticed a sketchy expression slide over his face. “Did he come over?”

“Uh, yeah, he just stopped by to drop something off. He couldn’t really stay. Why, did you, uh, talk to him?” He looked uncomfortable, and she wondered why.

“No, he didn’t even see me. He was across the parking lot.”

The relief on Austin’s face was clear, and he took a step closer to the bathroom. “Ah yeah, that’s too bad.”

Tags: Karen Erickson Erotic