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But they’d talked a teeny bit last night, in between bouts of lovemaking. He mentioned her visiting again. Said he’d like to see her place. He’d said it all so matter-of-fact, like it was no big deal. Luke spoke of the future as if there really was an “us” for them.

Andrea liked that. A lot. Probably too much.

He pulled away from her, his gaze locked with hers. “How about this,” he started. “We take a shower. Together.” His smile turned wicked and she rolled her eyes, but she was down with that. “And then we’ll get dressed. I’ll take you to Pike Place Market and we’ll look around. Then we’ll go to the Space Needle and you can be dutifully awed by the amazing view. After that, we’ll grab something to eat and then come back here. What do you think?”

“I think that all sounds…amazing.” She let her smile grow. He wanted to show her around and she loved that. But she also wanted to spend more time with him. Alone. As much time as she could get. “Especially the shower part.”

“That’s what I thought.” He climbed out of bed and started to leave the bedroom. “I’ll go clean up while you finish your breakfast and then we’ll hop in the shower,” he called over his shoulder before disappearing.

“Okay,” she answered weakly. She took a couple of bites of the scrambled eggs, ate a piece of bacon, drank half of her coffee, then broke down and grabbed her cell phone from where it sat on the bedside table. She’d kept it on silent and wanted to check her messages, see if she had any. And of course she did, from her nosy friends.

One from Reagan. I’m sure you’re having mind-blowing sex at this very moment and I’m incredibly jealous, but I wanted to check on you and make sure you’re okay.

And a message from Natalie. Bitch. I know you’re naked with your man right now, so whatever. Let me know you’re alive.

Andrea smiled and typed out a group message to her friends.

I’m alive. And okay. He brought me breakfast in bed.

Natalie responded first. Was breakfast in bed code for his penis in your vagina?

Andrea burst out laughing. What had happened to her friend? She’d become much bolder since she spent the weekend with the sexy, mysterious Noah Wilde.

No, he really brought me breakfast. An actual meal. With bacon and eggs and all the trimmings. Not just his penis. A girl needs to keep up her strength.

Reagan responded next. Was his penis dessert then?

Shaking her head, Andrea smiled. Her friends were perverts.

She didn’t know what she’d do without them.

The Space Needle was crowded

with tourists, but Luke didn’t mind. They weren’t paying him any attention—thank Christ—and all he could focus on was Andrea, so he was happy.

Andrea gripped the thick concrete ledge, gazing at the city of Seattle spread out before them. “Wish this fence thing wasn’t here,” she mumbled. “But I get it. They don’t need any jumpers.”

“Yeah.” He stepped up behind her, slipping his arms around her waist and resting his chin on her shoulder. “Great view, though, right?”

“Wonderful,” she agreed, leaning her cheek against his. “Thank you for bringing me here.”

“Thank you for coming to see me.” Best freaking time he’d ever had with a woman. Hell, best time he’d ever had, period. Having her in his arms made him feel content. Complete. All those corny words he had no business telling her because Andrea was a sensible person and she’d probably freak out. She should freak out. No, he should be freaking out.

But he wasn’t. He’d finally found what he wanted and he wasn’t about to let it go.

“This city is beautiful,” she said, turning her head to the side so she could look at him. “Do you like living here?”

“It’s all right. I’m from Northern California, so the weather here is a hard adjustment. All the rain can bring a person down sometimes.”

“That’s right, you grew up in California. What part exactly?”

“Near Sacramento. Should’ve become a 49er. Wanted to be one, because that would’ve made my dad’s life, his son playing for his favorite team, but that wasn’t in the cards.” He stood to his full height, never letting her go though. “I like playing for the Seahawks. They’re a good team, a great group of guys. I go and visit my folks whenever I can, which isn’t often, but they understand.” He was close to his family. His parents were still together and he had two younger sisters who were pains in his ass, but he loved them just the same.

“Were you homesick?” she asked softly.

“Kind of. But at least I’m still on the West Coast.” He didn’t want to admit he was lonely. Then he’d just sound pitiful, and that was the last thing he wanted to do. “Let’s do the full circle so you can check out the entire view.”

He led her around, through the crowds of people gathered, the wind whipping Andrea’s hair into her face and making her constantly push it out of the way irritably. She looked good windblown. She looked good anytime, anywhere. This realization meant he had it bad.

Tags: Karen Erickson Vegas Nights Romance