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He loved that image, so he couldn’t protest. “Your wish is my command. But I need to get the condom on first.”

She helped him, her deft hands sheathing his cock and teasing him all at the same time. He was a quivering mass of throbbing flesh by the time she was finished, and by the look of the satisfied grin on her face, she knew she’d just driven him out of his mind.

The little tease.

“You are a bad girl,” he chastised as he drew her back into his arms. The water was somehow still warm, slipping and sliding against their bodies as they adjusted their position, and he glanced around, figuring the outer edge of the tub was going to be a sloppy, wet mess by the time they were finished.

“You make me a bad girl.” She ducked her head, as if trying to hide her sudden embarrassment. “I don’t normally act like this.”

“Act like what?” He reached for her, his fingers beneath her chin so he could tip her face up. Their gazes met and he saw the troubled glimmer there, accompanied by a hint of shyness.

“Like a brazen hussy.” She laughed, the sound weak. “Or worse, like some cheap slut. I hope you don’t think…”

He pressed his finger against her plump lips, silencing her. “I don’t think of you as a cheap slut.” He was almost pissed she would say such a thing. “You’re the farthest thing from that. What we’ve shared the past twenty-four hours has been…”

“Amazing?” she added for him hopefully when he removed his finger from her mouth. “Out of this world?”

“Yes. All of the above,” he whispered, leaning in to kiss her. He couldn’t get enough of her pretty lips. Her taste drove him crazy. “Filming starts next week, and it’s a six-week shoot. Maybe after that we could…see each other again? If you want to, because I want to.” He clamped his lips shut, knowing he was rambling. But damn it, she made him nervous. What they shared made him nervous—in a good way.

She stilled, her hands grasping his shoulders tight. He withdrew from her slightly so their gazes could meet and she stared at him as if couldn’t believe what he just said. “You want to see me after you finish shooting your movie?”

“Yeah.” He cleared his throat, hoping he wouldn’t screw everything up. “I don’t want this to end.”

He couldn’t believe what he just said either. He was never one to show all his cards. Didn’t like to show his feelings. Had always believed he was the type who really didn’t have them, thanks to every shitty relationship he’d ever had.

“Neither do I,” she said, just as she eased her body over his, sliding down his cock until he was completely embedded inside her tight, damp heat. “God, me either, Declan.”

No more words were spoken. He gripped her hips and drove himself into her, his gaze locked on her as she bounced above him. Her breasts bobbed in his face and he feasted on her nipples, licking and sucking them until she cried out. The water splashed, their bodies moved in unison, and when they came within seconds of each other, he’d never felt so complete.

Or so confused.

Chapter Seven

He’d bought her clothes. Declan was so sweet, so thoughtful. She’d woken up late in the morning, sad that she was leaving Las Vegas in a matter of hours, and she’d come out into the living room of the suite to find Declan sitting on the couch, reading a script, a bag from one of the hotel boutiques sitting on the coffee table.

“For you,” he said when he lifted his gaze from his script to look at her, wearing a tiny smile and looking mighty pleased with himself.

A pair of jeans priced way too much and a cute blue and white striped T-shirt that had no business being close to one hundred dollars sat nestled within the bag, wrapped in tissue and both exactly her size. How he knew, she wasn’t sure, but she was so thankful. She hugged and kissed him, then took a shower, in which he joined her for and proceeded to drive her out of her mind with pleasure by pressing her upper body against the glass while he took her from behind.

He brought new meaning to orgasms. The man flat-out rocked her world. And for whatever wild and crazy reason, she seemed to rock his world too.

It was awesome.

Now she was getting ready to go back to her hotel room where she could grab her luggage and they could head on to the airport.

She was sad, so incredibly sad that the weekend was coming to an end.

Slowly she prepared, putting on her clothes—including a new bra that was stashed in the very bottom of the bag, made of beautiful silk and lace with matching panties. She twisted her hair into a bun and secured it to the top of her head. Staring at herself in the mirror, she tried to see what Declan saw.

There was nothing special about her. While he was a spectacular human being with some of the most perfect features she’d ever had the pleasure to stare at, she, on the other hand, was average. Almost boring. Yet he looked at her as if she hung the moon and the stars. Touched her as if she were the most beautiful, revered thing in his life. And when he brought he

r such delicious pleasure, kissed and fucked her until she was transcended to another place and time, for the love of God…wow.

She wasn’t sure she deserved to have this man in her life, even for such a brief time.

Shoving the beautiful red dress that changed everything into the shopping bag her new clothes came in, she grabbed it and her small purse and headed out into the living room where he waited patiently for her. He wore a snug black T-shirt that lovingly clung to his muscled chest and jeans that showcased his most excellent legs. Worn Converses on his feet completed the casual but perfectly styled ensemble. She wanted to jump him.

Of course. When did she not want to jump him?

Tags: Karen Erickson Vegas Nights Romance