“You know, once Richard was out of the picture for good, I wasn’t sure I ever wanted to date again. Much less date two guys at the same time. Finding Mr. Right didn’t seem like something that was ever going to happen to me.” She pushed her plate away and leaned back in her chair. “I guess I didn’t know if I was ready to take that next step until I met Trent and Mac.”

“Then why do you seem sad?”

“It feels like I just got away from one mess and now I’m riding this emotional roller coaster. Still, with them . . .” Crystal hesitated, attempting to put into words how she felt about two men she’d known only a few days. “I don’t know. They’re different. Other men pale in comparison.” Crystal shook her head. “Still, I’m not the naïve girl I once was. I’m a big girl now, and I’m not going to let a man dictate my life.”

“What about two men?” Sherry asked as she attempted to stifle a laugh behind her napkin.

Mollie reached across the table and patted the back of Crystal’s hand. “You need to have a little faith. Not all guys are like Richard.”

Sherry and Trina were both silent. Finally Trina spoke up and added her weight to Mollie’s. “Don’t give up on finding Mr. Right. Hell, sometimes it’s necessary to run across a few Mr. Wrongs, just so you’ll know the difference.”

“I know. Really I do. But what if they’re both just more Mr. Wrongs?”

“Then you move on,” Sherry said. “From what I hear, that nightclub has plenty to choose from.”

The women were right. Mac and Trent might not be perfect. Being with the two of them might be wrong on every level, but they definitely weren’t like Richard. She had to have a little faith.

Several hours later, Crystal called Trent to see if he wanted to have dinner. She’d missed him and when he’d invited her over to his apartment, Crystal hadn’t hesitated to say yes. As she arrived and knocked on the door, her hands shook. The anticipation of seeing Trent sent her head spinning.

Mac answered the door instead and Crystal’s entire body heated up. When she caught sight of his sexy, sideways smile, she lost her ability to breathe for second. He was dressed in a pair of faded jeans and a plain navy T-shirt. His dark hair was a mess, as if he’d been combing his fingers through it, and he had on a pair of black boots. Staring at the man sent her temperature into the danger zone.

“Hi,” Mac said as he reached for her hand.

“I didn’t know you were going to be here.”

“A good surprise, I hope,” he said with a wink.

Crystal looked around him to find Trent leaning against the doorway to the kitchen. Mac pulled her into the apartment, then kicked the door shut behind her. Crystal started to say something, but Mac merely dragged her into his arms and kissed her witless. Crystal’s mind went blank, and she melted against him as every nerve ending fired to life.

When he pulled back, they were both breathing heavily, and the predatory gleam in his eyes sent a pool of heat to the apex of her thighs. “H-hi,” she stuttered out.

“Mm, I needed that,” he murmured.

“Me too,” she admitted, wishing she was bold enough to lean in and kiss him harder and longer.

Trent moved around Mac and said, “Hey, I didn’t get to say hello.” He groaned as he swooped in and took her mouth in a heated mating of lips. Crystal’s arms went around his neck as she sank into the kiss. Trent tasted and teased until she was utterly breathless by the time he pulled back.

“I made pizza and margaritas. Hungry?”

“Starved,” she said, but it wasn’t her stomach she wanted satisfied.

“Trent makes the best pizza,” Mac said, ru

bbing his stomach. “You’ll love it.”

“I thought maybe later we could watch a movie,” Trent said.

“He rented a chick flick,” Mac muttered as he plopped onto one end of the couch. After Trent retrieved their pizza, he sat at the other end, putting her smack in the center. Not a bad place to be, all in all.

After a few slices of pizza, Crystal took a fortifying sip of her margarita, then leaned back to enjoy the movie. She felt Mac pull her in close to his side. He wrapped an arm around her while Trent pushed PLAY on the remote. As the movie started, Trent flipped off the table lamp and they all fell silent.

Partway into the movie, Crystal knew it was futile. She hadn’t paid a bit of attention to the screen. All she wanted to concentrate on were the men at her sides. Mac kept touching her thigh and rubbing her through her jeans, while Trent massaged her nape. She looked over at Trent and realized he wasn’t watching the movie any more than she was. He was watching her. Mac’s fingers inched higher, nearly grazing her mound.

“Mac,” she moaned.

Trent stood. “Come on. We need more room than what this couch provides.”

Within minutes they were in Trent’s bedroom, and the three of them were nude. Trent got up on his knees on the bed. “Here, baby,” he urged, as he helped her into the center of the bed. He moved behind her, then stroked the seam between her ass cheeks. She quivered and he let his finger drift back and forth over her puckered opening. She wanted him there and she knew he wanted to be there just as bad. He leaned over her and kissed the base of her spine. “I want to fuck this tight ass.”

Tags: Anne Rainey Masters of Pleasure Erotic