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His head pounded. The late nights were getting to him.

He slipped on some shorts, grabbed a handgun from the top of his dresser, and went to answer the front door.

It was Viper, the last motherfucker he ever wanted to see. Maybe the second last.

“What do you want?”

“Boss wants to see you,” he said.

“And I’m supposed to care? I’m not a dog he can call when he wants something. Remember, he’s the one who cut me off, so I’m a free agent.”

“Works for me. I’ll tell him you refused.” Viper turned to leave.

“Wait.” Xavier swallowed his pride and took a cleansing breath. “Why does he want to see me?”

“Didn’t ask.”

“Is he letting me see Alesha?” It had been over a month since the day she’d been shot. He’d managed to get some information shortly after the incident, threatening one of the staff when they left for the night. Alesha’s injuries were superficial—flesh wound to her thigh and grazed by a bullet on her stomach. Knowing her life wasn’t in danger was the only thing keeping him grounded all this time.

“Like I said…”

“Fine. Give me a minute to get some clothes on.”

Viper came inside and closed the door behind him, wandering around the expansive foyer. “Nice place.”

“Yeah.” Nothing material mattered without Alesha. He was completely in love with her. Xavier pulled on some pants and grabbed a shirt from his closet. After getting himself together, he returned to the front. “Where you taking me?”

“You’ll be dealing with Boss. That’s all you need to know.”

Xavier adjusted his gun holster and slipped on his jacket. The other man watched him intently. “Why do you hate me so much?”

Viper’s jaw twitched. “You’re a loose cannon. You fucked up our last mission together. I know your history. If I can’t trust you, you’re not a friend, are you?”

“I was only trying to do the right thing. I’m not the man I used to be, or at least I was trying to change, to make a new life. You won’t have it. None of you will give me a chance.”

Viper shook his head. “Killer of Kings is our life. Not for you, though. You’re only here because you want information from Boss. That isn’t comforting to the men you’re supposed to be working with. You don’t get a second chance when it comes to life and death. It’s a one-way trip if you don’t have our backs.”

“It was more than just getting information long before my training was through. For the first fucking time in my life I felt like I belonged, that I’d found my place. I guess I was wrong.”

“Let’s go.”

He followed Viper out to his car and got in the passenger side. They hit the highway, and within minutes Viper's cell went off. After answering he handed it to Xavier.

“Still hotheaded?” asked Boss.


“Good. Time heals all wounds, eh?”

“What do you want? It’s been six weeks without a word.”

Xavier had been doing contracts as a free agent, trying to keep himself busy so he didn’t obsess over Alesha. It was only a matter of time before he had her back, and he knew it. He’d never give up until he had her back. Boss couldn’t hide her forever.

“You’re not the average man, are you? I felt you needed some extra time to cool off and think about your actions. Maybe what you want out of life.”

“I want Alesha. Nothing’s changed.”

“I thought you’d say that, which is why I have an offer for you.”

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance