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“You shouldn’t.”

She shrugged. “I just happen to believe that kindness is a strength. And I think people can change, can become better.”

Alesha was a light to his darkness, and he wanted more. He may be a bastard for not walking away, but he leaned closer and kissed her on the lips.

Chapter Eight

Part of Alesha wanted to push Xavier away and tell him to not fucking touch her. She was hurt that he kept blowing hot and cold. She had no way of knowing which way was up and down. She didn’t do these things with men.

Flirting didn’t come naturally to her.

She was used to being overlooked.

No one ever wanting her.

It’s why she was the cleaner.

She provided a service that everyone appreciated but no one cared about who did it. She was just a piece of furniture, and yet as his lips touched hers, she didn’t want to push him away. She had no wish to fight him or for this magic between them to stop.

And there was magic.

She couldn’t explain it.

He was a cold-blooded killer. Someone she should be terrified of and yet she couldn’t hold herself back or look away from him. Even as her life had been in danger today, she’d worried for him, not for herself. It made no matter what happened to her, but she couldn’t think of the world without Xavier being part of it.

After the briefest of kisses, he pulled back. His hands cupped her face, his thumbs stroking her cheeks, and she merely stared into his dark eyes.

“I know you hate me right now.”

And that was the truth. She only hated him right now, right this second. There was no way in hell that she’d ever be able to hate him for a lifetime. It simply wasn’t possible for her. She wanted to protect him. To wipe away the memory of the scars so that the only thing he remembered was the feeling of her, the reminder of her touch. The taste of her kiss.

Damn it.

She was losing her mind, and she couldn’t even control it. Xavier was the kind of man she should avoid, but was inexplicably drawn to.

“I don’t hate you.” She licked her lips, trying to find her voice. Her throat felt incredibly dry as she stared at him. “I could never hate you.”

He smirked. It was that knowing smirk that she really didn’t like. Why did he have to look so sexy when he did it?

“I just don’t like you very much right now.”

“But you don’t hate me.”

“Hate is a strong feeling.”

“One you’re incapable of, no?”

She didn’t respond. There was no point. He’d make of it what he would, and she didn’t have the energy to change him or to fight him.

One of his thumbs moved toward her mouth, and he ran it across her lip. “Dixon was a fucking fool.”

“Why are you talking about that monster?” Was this another cold moment? She couldn’t keep up, and it was messing with her head.

“Because I heard what he said to you. That you’re not his type. The only reason you’re not his type is because a piece of shit like that couldn’t handle a woman like you. He wouldn’t know what to do with you if he ever got you in his bed. He was a coward. He preyed on the weak, and he thought you were that. He had no idea of the fire inside you.”

“I think you’ve got the wrong woman here, Xavier. I’m not fire.”

He smiled.

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance