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Some days he regretted his decision to hire her because he hadn’t been able to bring women home knowing she was under the same roof. He wasn’t sure why she kept messing with his head. Alesha was a housekeeper, not his fucking wife.

So far, she’d kept her distance and followed the rules. It would be a shame if he had to kill her.


Keeping her boss happy was Alesha’s number one priority. Getting this job had been no less than winning the lottery. She had her own suite, something so beautiful she almost cried when he gave her the tour. The pay was incredible. Her boss was hardly home, and never bothered her. Alesha had her fair share of nightmarish encounters with men when she’d waitressed at a few local bars. It didn’t take long for her to change careers. She couldn’t stand strange men touching her or constantly propositioning her. Her coworkers may have enjoyed the attention, but it only made her sick. There weren’t too many options without a secondary education, and fancy diplomas weren’t made for people barely able to pay the rent, never mind tuition and books.

She’d been doing well as a cleaner for the last eight years, but it wasn’t until being hired by Xavier Moreno that things really started looking up. Her situation seemed too perfect, to the point that she constantly worried he’d lay her off or fire her for screwing something up.

He’d gone out much earlier than normal today, so she decided to prepare a special dinner, something that required more prep time than usual. His tastes could be demanding, and she tried hard to make things he’d enjoy as she learned his likes and dislikes. By now, she knew he detested coffee and didn’t like onions in his eggs. Every day was a learning experience.

As she peeled some carrots by the sink, the security alarm dinged, signaling someone had entered through the front door.

He was home.

Her heart began to race. Yes, he was her boss, but she’d be lying if she said she only had platonic feelings for him. The man was an enigma, rarely talking to her, coming and going at the strangest hours. She still had no clue what he did for a living, and didn’t dare ask and risk pissing him off. He was very private, and made it crystal clear when he’d hired her.

She did find it odd that a man his age with both looks and money was living alone in such a big house. There were no family photos, no visits from relatives, and he’d never brought a woman home that she knew of. Even though he gave her every other weekend off with full pay, she rarely left her suite. Where would she even go? This was as close to home as she had. Even her own mother had wiped the slate clean nine years ago when she married her new husband, and that included Alesha. They hadn’t spoken since.

Of course, it secretly pleased her that Xavier never brought home dates. It kept her fantasy alive, the one where he fell madly in love with his maid. She giggled under her breath.

“Something funny?”

She dropped her peeler into the sink with a clang and whirled around, wiping her hands on her apron. “Nothing, sir. I didn’t hear you come in.”

“Don’t call me sir. It makes me feel old.” He tossed his keys on the counter with a jangle and shrugged off his jacket. Her eyes darted to the gun strapped to his body, and she froze in place. He noticed her staring and looked down. “Relax, it’s registered. A man can’t be too safe these days.” He winked at her.

Of course. A man like Xavier Moreno would be a target for criminals. She’d just never seen a gun in real life. “I’m sorry, sir.”

He frowned and crossed his arms. “Alesha…”

“I’m sorry … Mr. Moreno.”

“You can call me Xavier. I won’t bite.”

Xavier. Just hearing him say his own name with his slight accent made her wet. He was pure masculinity, confident, and drool-worthy. This was probably the most time she’d spent with him since being hired. He was usually gone before she started working in the kitchen, she wasn’t allowed in the main house after nine at night, and he always came home late.

He dropped down in one of the dining chairs and loosened his collar. He had intricate tattoos that climbed up his neck, and she had to stop herself from staring. “You were up early this morning,” she said, trying to start some small talk.

“I had a business meeting with a new client. Way too early for my liking. I think I’ll go back to bed for a couple hours.”

“You did go to sleep late last night.” She bit the inside of her cheek, wishing she could take back her words. Xavier loved his privacy, and she sounded like a stalker.

“You’re observant.”

He stood up, cracking his neck to each side.

“Sorry, the walls are thin and I’m a light sleeper.”

“I’ll keep that in mind,” he said. Xavier started walking away.

Alesha wanted to tell him to stay, to talk to her, to tell her more about himself. She loved the subtle scent of his cologne since he’d entered the kitchen. Her entire body took notice of everything Xavier, from his commanding presence to the intensity in his dark eyes. But she kept quiet and picked up her peeler. You’re such a chicken shit, Alesha.

Just before he left the kitchen, she summoned up enough courage. “Could you do me a favor before you leave?”

“What is it?”

She held out a glass jar. “Can you open this?”

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance