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She lifted her hand, and no one paid any attention to her. They were all focused on their own killing. Slowly, she used her arms to crawl over toward the table, dropping on the floor as she did. Picking up the gun, she loaded it as she’d seen Viper do, and stared right at Sutherland.

Her stepfather had murdered her mother, sent her on the run, hired people to kill her, put a worldwide hit out on her, and she was done with him. He was a piece of scum, and she didn’t want to see him again. Not ever.

She aimed the barrel at his head, focusing on the front sights. This man was a monster, and without blinking an eye, or hesitating, she fired off one single shot.

That one shot had everyone pausing.

Pepper watched as Sutherland dropped to the floor from a single bullet hole between his eyes. She collapsed down, screaming as the pain radiated through her leg. Being shot fucking hurt!

Who the hell shot her?

Chapter Twelve

Everyone froze once Sutherland dropped to the ground. Time stood still. Only the grandfather clock ticking in the corner could be heard. A trail of blood poured down from the fatal gunshot wound. It was surreal. Viper had planned this murder a hundred times in his head with vibrant detail. He had fucking looked forward to it. Even when Boss said he’d deliver the killing shot, Viper knew he’d be the one to do it. Never had he expected this turn of events.

After the initial shock settled, the stepfather’s hired muscle bolted out the door like little pussies. Boss, Bain, and Viper all stood in a large circle with their weapons in hand.

“Well, I suppose this changes things,” said Boss, as if discussing the weather. One of his men, the bastard from last night, peered in the doorway and cursed when he saw the scene.

“You were supposed to watch her for me!” Viper said as soon as he saw the piece of shit.

He disappeared outside again.

“I guess I’m not getting paid after all.” Bain scratched his forehead with the muzzle of his gun.

Viper had wanted to kill everyone, including Boss. Now that Sutherland was dead, a huge weight had lifted off hi

s shoulders. But he still wanted his revenge.

He pulled a paper from his jacket pocket and waved it once in the air. “You know what this is?” he asked. “It’s my marriage certificate. Thanks for that, by the way.” He winked at Boss. “Now that this asshole is dead, it means you’re all standing in my office. And right now, I really want all of you to fuck off.”

He knew hitting Boss in the pocketbook would be worse than any physical damage he could inflict on him. And Bain wouldn’t see a penny now that his paycheck was pushing daisies.

“See you around, old friend.” Bain holstered his gun and stepped over the body on his way out. Viper wondered if he’d ever see Bain again. Part of him wanted to stop him, and the other part was still pissed off he’d sold out. He knew there was still something good inside him or he wouldn’t have helped kill Sutherland’s men. But you couldn’t change a stone-cold assassin like Bain overnight.

“Just you and me, Viper. Things didn’t go exactly according to plan, but hey, everything worked out just fine.”

“You shot my fucking girl,” he shouted.

“I wouldn’t have killed her. It was part of the plan. The plan you were supposed to follow.”

“And now what?” asked Viper, his arms out to the sides, a gun in each hand. He wanted to end Boss right now, but knew it would only make his life more complicated. Killer of Kings had a fucking army of loyal men, and he didn’t want more targets on his back.

“New deal.”

He narrowed his eyes. Boss was in no position to give ultimatums. “Really. You think you hold the fucking cards here?”

“Always.” Boss chuckled. “You’re going to give me that ten mil bonus Pepper promised you for keeping her alive. Besides a little flesh wound, she looks alive and well to me. Actually, make it twenty.”

“Are you insane? I ain’t giving you shit.” Viper couldn’t believe the size of this guy’s balls.

“Wrong, Viper. You’ll do it because I’m the man who’s going to handle this cleanup. You think your little killing princess wants to deal with police, court dates, detectives at the hospital, and possible jail time? Never mind how this will play out on the company’s stocks. Shareholders tend to shy away from murder and mayhem.” He strolled around the office, observing the book collection in the floor to ceiling shelves. “Then, of course, there’s the Bianchi family. If you want that contract on your head to magically disappear, I’m the only one who can make that happen.”

“How do you plan on doing that?”

“A hit for a hit. As long as I get paid, it’ll be taken care of. You know the game. Bottom line, we walk away from this on equal terms, no hard feelings.”

Viper couldn’t let this go, but he also knew there would be no peace for him and Pepper if that hit stayed on his head. His vengeance could cost him everything, so he had to consider his next words wisely. He remembered his training. He was raised to push away all emotion, not just love, but hatred as well. The best killers were numb, cold, and focused.

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance