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He walked ahead of her, too fast for her to keep up. His eyes were on the Mustang just outside the main gates. His escape. Moving from one job to the next was what he did best. Settling down could never work.

By the time the iron gates began to automatically open with an eerie whine, Boss and a couple of his hired guns had caught up. Viper wasted no time getting into the car, squeezing the steering wheel with both fists like a lifeline. Pepper sat in the passenger seat, and then Boss leaned over and tapped on the driver’s side window.

He started up the car, now equipped with a working key, before lowering the tinted glass.

“I had your plates changed, too. The ones you had were hot.” Boss stood back up, looking at the dark cloud cover moving in. “Call me when the job is done.”

“I always do.” Then he hit the gas, reversing out the long winding driveway. That’s what he liked: clean, efficient, no bullshit. Why did Boss have to push his buttons today? He usually knew better, but then again, Viper had never shown interest in any of the whores who frequented Boss’s place. He’d never cared about any woman.

They’d been driving for a while in silence, awkward silence.

“Is something wrong?” Pepper asked.

“This is a big move we’re taking. A lot can go wrong. Your stepfather isn’t going to hand everything over without a fight.”

“Well, I’m hoping there won’t be a fight. Like I said, this

plan is perfect. Nothing can go wrong.”

Her positivity was cute, but it was all an illusion. The reality was going to be equivalent to a shit storm. “Whatever you say, Pepper.”

“It’s true. You’ll see.” She leaned over the center console and rested her head on his arm. He felt his muscles relaxing and breath softening. It was odd having a woman cling to him for safety and affection. She had no idea the power she held over him.

The landscape changed from rural to urban to rural again. In another half hour they’d reach the city. Viper had a bad feeling about showing up unannounced at Pepper’s house. His renowned confidence was at an all-time low because this time he had something to lose.

“Kiss me,” she said.

He frowned. “Now? I’m driving.”

“You’re trying to pull away from me. I can feel it. Ever since those texts you’ve been distant.”


“If you think I feel differently about you because of the reading thing, I don’t.”

He didn’t like where this was going. Pepper was an educated girl from a wealthy family. There was no way she’d be happy with an illiterate man like Viper. His fucking insecurities had shown their ugly colors since Pepper walked into his life. He wished things were different, but they weren’t.

“Viper, please say something.” She placed her hand on his thigh. “I need you. I don’t have anyone else.”

He abruptly hit the brakes, parking in an abandoned alcove along the side of the road and cut the engine. “I don’t want you to settle, Pepper. You deserve more.”

“I’m not settling, so don’t put words in my mouth.”

“What can I give you?”

“Look, I’ve known so many Ivy League boys in my life. I don’t want them, I want you, a real man. You can take care of me, Viper. In every way.”

Fuck, the way she said those last words made his cock swell in his jeans. He twisted uncomfortably in his seat. “You want that kiss or what?”

She smiled and leaned closer. He cupped the side of her face and kissed her hard and demanding. She even tasted sweet. Her little mewling sounds were pushing him over the edge.

As soon as their tongues began to play, he pulled away and left the car, slamming the door behind him.

Pepper rushed out, joining him at the rear of the car. Her little hands were balled into fists, her brow lowered. “What was that about? What did I do wrong now?”

Her grabbed her by the waist and hoisted her up onto the back of the Mustang, pressing himself between her legs. “I need you.”

“What?” Her voice was barely a whisper, her hands resting on his shoulders.

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance