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“I didn’t have any family. This is the life I have always known, and one that you can never escape from. What about you? What is your family like?” he asked.

“Oh, well, it was fun. Unlike some kids, I didn’t get shipped off to boarding school. I went to a private school instead, which was still really scary now that I think about it. Rich kids school I think some people call it. You don’t have any family?”

Viper closed the fridge and turned toward her. He was about to speak when his cell phone went off. He picked up

the cell, turning on the speaker on so that she could hear the conversation.

“I take it you’re at your safe place?” Boss asked.

She recognized the voice.

“We’re safe, and she’s alive. She’s bruised, and in a little pain, but other than that, her injuries are not life threatening,” Viper said.

Her cheeks heated as he looked over at her body. She remembered the feel of his fingers on her pussy in the shower.

“Good. It would seem her bone-head stepfather put out a worldwide bounty.”

Viper cursed.

“What does that mean?” she asked.

“It means, sweetheart, that unless we kill him, you’re never going to know a moment’s peace.”

“I want him arrested and thrown in jail,” she said.

“That’s not how this works. He’s alive, the bounty exists, and there’s always a chance to pay up.”

“But he can’t pay,” she said.

“That’s the thing, some people don’t mind getting the deed done, and then collecting the bounty after the fact, Pepper. Your life for their money. It depends on what he has offered, how much he has offered, and what they have been promised.”

She sat back in the chair, shocked.

“For Pepper to go back to her way of life, we’ve got to kill him,” Viper said, finally speaking up.

“Yeah, otherwise they won’t stop coming, and, Pepper, you’re going to live the rest of your life waiting to die,” Boss said.

“I don’t want that,” she said.

“Then we kill her stepfather.”

Chapter Six

It felt good being on his own territory and not having to look over his shoulder every second. But after three days of lock-down, they were both getting squirrely. It had taken a herculean effort for him to keep his hands to himself, too. He’d been sleeping on the sofa, when he wanted to be in bed with Pepper. It wasn’t easy living with her after he’d seen her naked, and made her come on his fingers. She was so eager and receptive. So fucking soft. Normally he wouldn’t put his needs to the side, but she was different. She was his. Knowing she’d never been with another man only made his claim stronger.

The sun dipped low on the horizon, the sky morphing into shades of orange and pink. He noticed Pepper standing near the floor to ceiling window in the living room. It was ironic that he lived so high up, only a layer of glass separating him from the massive drop below, because he’d never liked heights. People who knew him swore he was fearless, but he had that one phobia, one he kept to himself.

“How you feeling today?” he asked.

Pepper shifted her head to the side, wearing his oversized t-shirt that nearly reached her knees. “I’m not as sore today. Time really does heal.”

“Not everything.” He stood beside her, watching the splash of color reflect off the city skyline. Soon only streetlights would keep away the darkness.

“You never did tell me how you got your scar,” she said. Pepper faced him and traced her finger along the nasty scar on his face. He’d been a monster for as long as he could remember. Good thing he didn’t give a fuck about impressing anyone.

His first instinct was to push her away, but he held back and stood rigid. Talking about his past wasn’t a possibility. It was something he tried to forget all his life, and failed. Reliving some of the worst memories would only strip down his barriers.

“You’re right, I didn’t.”

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance