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“Why would she think that?”

He narrowed his eyes. Was she for real? “Because it’s true.”

Her lips parted as realization set in. For once she was at a loss for words. Viper hit the gas and steered his gorgeous new ride onto the roadway.

As they put distance between them and the small tourist town, the streets became barren. A light drizzle and thick cloud cover blocked out the moon and stars. The open road, the darkness, the quiet—they were his only faithful companions over the years. Sometimes he allowed himself to wonder, to imagine how his life would differ if he’d had a normal childhood. At thirty-four, he’d probably be married with a few kids. He’d work as an accountant or maybe something with his hands. It was hard to put himself in those shoes, almost impossible to visualize himself giving and receiving love. The whole idea of family suffocated him. Why would he trade his freedom, endless traveling, and unique skillset for one woman? As much as he hated his past, maybe it was all meant to be in the grand scheme of things. There was no way he could cut it as a family man, living in the suburbs, and smiling to his asshole neighbors when they put out the garbage. No fucking way.

His thoughts betrayed him. Viper turned on the radio, the deep bass of the music creating an atmosphere of intimacy, so he shut it off just as fast. What was happening to him? If he could go back a couple days in time he’d tell Boss to take his fucking assignment and shove it up his ass. What was supposed to be a side job, a clean hit, was now turning his life upside down.

Viper thought about getting another hotel, paying cash, and laying low. But his mood was becoming uniquely vulnerable, so he needed familiar territory to get himself grounded. The shadowed landscape never seemed to change during the long drive, like a vinyl record repeating over and over.

In his peripheral vision, he noticed Pepper hugging her arms, rhythmically rubbing up and down. It was the first time she’d moved a muscle in almost an hour. Pepper had been staring blankly into nothingness, and he’d wondered if she was in shock.

“You cold?”

“I forgot my sweater.”

It was one of the hottest summers on record, so he didn’t see the big deal. “You can always buy another one. Remember, ‘you’re the wealthiest heiress out there’.”

“Can you please stop?” she snapped. “I know you think I’m this rich bitch not worth saving, but you don’t know me at all. Money doesn’t equal happiness. I would have traded everything just to be accepted.”

“I thought your mother loved you.”

“Of course she did. That didn’t change the fact I was the black sheep with everyone else. It’s not fun being the fat kid nobody wanted in pictures. I wasn’t immune to the whispers, either. You wouldn’t know how that felt.”

“Why would you assume that?”

She faced him, her blonde hair falling to one side. “Look at you.”

He shrugged. “You think I had an easy ride?”


Viper barely stifled a growl. This girl was impossible. “I can call the crew and tell them to save the fucking sweater. Would that make you happy?”

The city came into view in the distance. An endless sea of lights in the inky blackness of the countryside. He wasn’t one to put down roots, but most of his time off for the past three years had been spent in the same downtown condo. It was his safe haven and as close to a home as a man like him could hope to get.

“I don’t care about the dumb sweater!” she shouted, taking him off guard. He swerved out of his lane for a moment. “If you haven’t noticed, I’m not exactly a prize catch, so I feel more comfortable when I’m covered up.”

Viper sharply hit the brakes, pulling over to the soft shoulder of the road. The tires rumbled along the gravel until they jerked to a full stop. The earlier mist had developed into a light, steady rain. The lack of streetlamps left them in complete darkness, only the glow from the city acting as a distant night light.

“What the fuck is your problem?” he asked. “You’re worried about showing me a little skin? You think I’m going to judge you?”

“Leave me alone,” she said, her temper fading to nothing. Pepper undid her seatbelt and twisted away from him.

“Oh no you don’t.” He tugged her shoulder, forcing her to turn around. “Listen, little lady, I don’t think you’re fat. I don’t think you need to hide your body, and the assholes who put that idea in your head can go fuck themselves.” What was he doing? As much as he knew it was a mistake to engage in this conversation, he couldn’t stop himself.

“It’s true.”

He cupped her cheek, and she twitched from the contact. It only reminded him he needed to catalogue all her injuries once they got to his place.

Their heavy breathing and the soft hum of the engine were the only sounds inside the parked car. Her skin was velvety soft, and he was careful not to add too much pressure with his hand. Nothing about Viper was soft. Everything in his life was debased, but Pepper was a little blonde ray of sunshine in his otherwise dismal world.

“I’ve already told you why Lola was jealous, right?”

“She just hated me. I’m used to it.”

“Damn, you’re stubborn.” He’d have to spell it out before she believed he could possibly be attracted to her. Pepper was like his own personal kryptonite, and it took all his willpower to behave and keep his mind on the job. “Look, you don’t need to cover up.” He ran the backs of his fingers down the length of her bare arm. “I think you’re perfect. Too perfect for me, that’s for damn sure.” He pulled away, taking a cleansing breath. Once this job was over, Pepper would have her whole life ahead of her. Viper would only drag her down, fill her life with darkness. The most decent thing he could do would be to keep his distance—but then again, he’d always been a bastard.

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance