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Get some balls, and fight him.


“Hey, Boss. Yeah, I got everything covered and all, but I was just wondering if any of that money had cleared?”

She didn’t hear the response, but she saw his grip tighten on the gun.

“Well, little miss pampered has a proposal.” Viper moved toward her, and handed out the phone. “Talk to him.”

“Hello,” she said.

“Pepper, I’m curious. How did you know the money wouldn’t clear?”

“He has no means of sending it. He’s broke, whoever you are. I’m the only one with access. My father, my grandfather, and older generations implemented this. They made sure no gold-digger could have what didn’t belong to them.”

“You’ve intrigued me. What do you want?”

“I want to stay alive. I know he wants me dead, but I’ve done nothing wrong.”

“I’m not in the market of keeping people alive.” His words hung in the air, and what little hope she had started to disappear. “But I’ve been known to change when I need to. Just because it’s not a specialty doesn’t mean I can’t improvise. Put Viper on the phone.”

She handed the phone back to Viper.

Watching him talk, she wondered if she had bought herself some time. She wasn’t lying. She had access to that money, and could use it whenever she needed it. But she couldn’t use it if she was dead.

I know you told me not to do anything stupid when I finally inherited, Dad. I think surviving is a good reason to spend a lot of it.

Viper closed his phone. “You have yourself a deal. Boss will text you the details. The moment he does, you transfer funds, and it will be activated, and I will do everything in my power to protect you.”

Her cell phone beeped. “I need my phone.”

The thing about her stepfather was he seemed to be too good at acting, and it made everyone believe him. How could a nice guy be so mean? She had felt his evil and knew now to always be on guard.

After getting the information she needed, Pepper did the necessary transactions, and sent the money that would guarantee her safety. It was time for her to fight the asshole who had been hurting her for longer than he should have.

Why should she just roll over and play dead for a man who didn’t deserve a dime of her inheritance?

Viper’s phone rang.

He was close enough that she could hear the other man.

“She’s right. The fucking target is right. He couldn’t pay, and was hoping someone would carry out the hit, and then he could pay. Fucker is playing a dangerous game here, Viper. He’s not smart.”

“Her funds clear?” Viper asked.

“Of course they have. Save the girl at all costs. She’s just paid us ten million, and according to the little side note she gave me, you succeed in saving her, there’s another ten. Keep her alive.”

The call ended, and Viper closed his phone. He stared at her from across the room. “You’ve surprised me. Not so long ago you were willing to die.”

“I changed my mind.” She’d thought about her mother, and then her father. He wouldn’t have wanted her to give up, and especially not to a man who had killed to get where he was.

“You’ve surprised me, and that’s a compliment. I don’t get surprised very easily.” He took a seat on the edge of the bed, not taking his eyes off her.

Licking her dry lips, she averted her gaze. “I don’t suppose you’d let me go now?”

“I thought you wanted protection?” he asked. “Suit yourself. You wouldn’t last five minutes out there. It would seem your stepdad knows how to make people do what he wants.”

“I didn’t mean for me to go. I’m not leaving your side.” Why did that suddenly sound very sexual? She took a deep breath, and smiled. “I meant from being chained to this bed. I’m not going anywhere. I’ve paid you guys a lot of money to keep me alive, and I won’t back out. I do want to live.”

Tags: Sam Crescent Killer of Kings Romance