Page 4 of One Cruel Night

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So, finding a way to trust Penn seemed downright impossible. Except that…I wanted to go with him. I wanted a magical night in Paris.

“What’s your deepest, darkest secret?” I asked on a whim.

His eyes slid sideways to mine, and a clever grin spread on his lips. “You couldn’t handle that one.”

I raised my eyebrows sharply. “I, uh…what?” I stammered out.

Then, he was laughing. “You should see your face right now.”

“Oh my god!” I muttered, smacking him on the arm.

“It was a joke. Just a joke.” He put his hand over his heart and tried to control his laughter. “You were too easy a mark.”

“Well, that’s really convincing.”

But his smile eventually won me over, and I was gasping with laughter, too. People were even looking at us, and in that moment, I couldn’t care less.

“You really thought I had some terrifying secret.”

“You were supposed to reassure me.”

He shrugged. For a second, he turned pensive, as if seriously considering the question that I’d posed for him. That far-off look graced his features before he met my gaze. “You really want to know?”

I nodded, slightly breathless as he moved in closer. I could lean forward ever so slightly and brush our bodies together. Feel under the contours of that sharp suit. Graze the strong jawline on my way to those lips. My eyes snapped back up to his, heat pooling into my cheeks.

“I despise my family and all their expectations. Sometimes, I wish that I could live a different life.”


It was written in every inch of his face and the tension in his stance and the tone of his voice. The man who seemed to have everything wanted a different life.

My chest ached for him. And…for me. For how close that hit to home.

“And you?” he whispered conspiratorially.

“My secret?” I said back just as quietly.

He dipped his chin once in response.

I considered the honesty in his answer. I wanted to give my own truth. But the fact that I really wasn’t who I was pretending to be presently wasn’t enough. Sure, I was a fish out of water here among the privileged Paris elite. But really I was a nobody from nowhere with parents who hardly had enough to rub two pennies together. And that wasn’t a truth I was willing to share. I could give him a truth without the details though.

“I always try to act like I belong, but I never do.”

His hand covered mine on the railing. “You belong with me tonight, Natalie.”

Chapter 3

“Amy?” I tapped my best friend’s shoulder.

She was currently lip-locked with Enzo with his hand halfway up her dress.


Amy came up for air and stared at me with glazed bedroom eyes. “Huh? What’s up, Nat?”

“I’m heading out.”

“What?” Amy asked, eyes widening. “Are you not having fun? Did things not go well with Mr. Break Your Heart?”

I laughed and admired my crazy friend. “No, things are going great. We’re just going to head out together and walk the city.”

Amy’s mouth popped open. “Um…excuse me?”

“It’ll be fine. I turned on that tracker app you use, so you can always find me.”

She hopped off of the chaise, disentangling herself from Enzo, who grumbled behind her. “Are you sure about this? You don’t even know this guy. He could sell you into sex slavery.” Amy leaned in closer. “You’d be valuable, if you know what I mean.”

I rolled my eyes. My virginity and the fact that I was still intact was a topic of mutual ridiculousness. “He is not selling me into sex slavery, Amy.”

“I’ve seen Taken. I know what happens.”

“I will be fine.”

“I don’t like it.” Amy chewed on her bottom lip.

“Look, this guy…he’s not like anyone else. He speaks my language.”


I snorted. “Yes, but I meant, he sees the world like I do. He’s different. I don’t know how to explain it. But I like him, and it’s our last night in the city. I want to make the most of it.”

Amy finally nodded. “I get it. You’re smitten. Just promise me you’ll be safe.”

“I will.”

She snagged my arm. “I mean…safe.” She grabbed her purse off the floor where she’d abandoned it and then tried to pass me a condom.

“Oh my god, Amy, we’re not going to have sex,” I hissed.

She laughed. “Better safe than sorry.”

I cut my eyes to the silver foil wrapper and then snatched it from her hand before stuffing it into my own crossbody bag. It felt monumental to even have that condom on me. As if I had made my mind up even though I was getting way ahead of myself.

“Thanks,” I said.

“I love you. Have fun!” Amy nestled back into Enzo’s lap.

I left her behind and let my gaze sweep to the door where Penn stood, phone in hand, completely at ease. I couldn’t believe that I was about to leave this party with him. This wasn’t me at all. Still, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t want to go. I was drawn to him. From the first time I’d seen him sitting on that bench, I’d known we were kindred spirits. It sounded insane, but I couldn’t deny what was right in front of me.

Tags: K.A. Linde Romance