Page 28 of Sweet Justice

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"Shh," he crooned. "Take it in not quite as far. See how far you can go before you have to pull back. You're such a good girl, I could come just watching you."

I set a rhythm, learning how deep I could take the candy into my mouth before I instinctively wanted to expel it. I did it over and over, the tingly sweet taste coating my tongue.

"Good, now set the stick down and get on your knees." He spread his knees wider making room for me. When I settled between his legs, his cock was only inches from my mouth. The broad head was plum colored and fluid seeped from the tip.

"Lick it off, sweetheart."

I did, the taste of him merging with the flavor of the candy.

"Now lick around the head and take me deep. Just like that stick."

Flicking my tongue out, I circled the flared head, then opened wide so it could fit into my mouth. His skin was hot, yet soft against my tongue. Hard, yet velvety in texture. Taking him deeper, he filled me up, my mouth stretched unbelievably wide.

"The peppermint tingles my skin," he hissed as I felt his palm caress my head, his fingers tangling in my hair. With his hand still around the base, I began to move so he went in and out of my mouth, just as he'd directed with the candy. The treat had been hard and cool against my tongue but Wiley's cock warmed me and pulsed and grew within my mouth. I picked up his clean scent, the taste of him salty and sweet.

He reached and tugged down the fro

nt of my corset so my breasts sprang free. His hands raked over the nipples until they tightened. I moaned around his cock at the feel of his hands on me, but I didn't stop.

"You're so good at this, Piper. I'm going to come. You're making me come."

I felt him thicken as he groaned, his body tense and rigid as I felt pulse after pulse of his seed against my tongue, coating it. The hand in my hair tightened until finally, his emissions ceased and he pulled me off of him.

I tilted my chin up to see if he was pleased.

"Swallow, sweetheart." He stroked my chin with his thumb and I did just that, taking his seed into my body just as he would if he filled my pussy. The flushed cheeks and sated gleam in his eye, made me feel powerful. I'd done this to him and I reveled in it. Knowing I could reduce such a strong man to his basest of instincts was heady and very arousing. I squirmed where I knelt, feeling the wetness his pleasure had brought about.

Wiley exhaled loudly, then grinned. "Your turn, sweetheart."

"But...but you only paid for me to suck your cock."

There, I'd said the bold words, remembering our act, although my arousal was not pretend.

He picked me up from beneath my arms and tossed me onto the bed as if I weighed nothing. "I'm a gentleman when it comes to fucking. You might be a whore, but you have needs, don't you?"

"Oh yes," I sighed. I had needs and I wanted him to meet them so badly.

"You are wearing far too many clothes." He undid the ribbon of my petticoat and it fell to the floor. I stood before him naked except for a corset with my breasts exposed above the lacy edge. Wiley still remained in just his pants, but his cock thrust from the opening as if he hadn't just come.

"What do you plan to do?" I asked. The wicked gleam in his eye had me curious, not fearful. He might be dangerous or even hard in his role as bounty hunter, but as a husband, he was very attentive and extremely thorough. As a customer in a brothel, he was very hot.

He crawled up onto the bed with me like a predator hunting its prey. "I paid for a cock suck, but that doesn't mean I can't play. I've taken your mouth. Has anyone taken your ass?"

I frowned, confused. "I...I don't understand."

"Oh good. You have a virgin ass."

"Virgin ass?" I squeaked. "That will, I mean, I'm sure I should charge more money."

"I'm just going to play tonight. I'll have to come back and play some more. Would you like that?"

I looked up into his dark eyes and nodded.

"Then save that ass for me, for my cock, all right?" He pulled out another coin and placed it on the table. "There. Now I want to play." Wiley positioned himself between my legs, spreading them wide, then sliding his fingers up the insides of my thighs so that he touched my pussy, running over my slick folds. "So wet, sweetheart."

His voice sounded almost reverent, as if the state of my arousal was an indication on the status of our marriage. Perhaps it was, for I was quite pleased with my husband at the moment, especially when he slipped one finger very slightly into my pussy, only far enough to run over that specific spot that had me dripping and writhing for him. But when he slipped his other hand lower and touched my back entrance, my perspective changed entirely.

"You can't mean—"

Tags: Vanessa Vale Romance