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“Good girl,” he murmured. His free hand went to my hip, gripped. The slap of him against me the only sound in the room. That and my whimpers as he pressed a little more firmly at my untried hole, trying to gain entrance, although my body was naturally fighting him.

“Shh, relax, breathe.”

I did. Breathed and focused on not tensing up. This caused the tip of his finger to slip in me. I moaned, clenched.

“Shit, sweetheart, you’re squeezing my dick.”

He rode me then, fucking me as he slipped in and out of my ass. Not any deeper than that initial entry, but that was enough. God, when he pulled back, it lit up nerve endings I didn’t even know existed and I came. Hard. Like really, really hard and I screamed, wanting more. I pushed my hips back, met him thrust for thrust.

All at once, his control was gone. While he’d removed his finger from me, the feelings lingered. He took me, harder, faster and deeper. Longer and longer still until I came one more time. Only then did he finally come, filling me just as Sam had, marking me inside and out with his cum.

Right here, with them, I was home. Filled with them, my body and my heart.

* * *

“If I didn’t know you just rode a horse for two hours, I’d think Ashe and Sam broke you,” Cricket said, slowly shaking her head and laughing at the way I was walking up the path. She stood on the porch of the main house at Steele Ranch watching me as I gingerly made my way up the walk. She held baby Locke in a football hold, his chubby little hand shoved in his drooling mouth.

It had been two days before either Sam or Ashe had let me up out of bed. I hadn’t minded as I’d been just as insatiable as them. We’d spent the time fucking, definitely, but also talking, getting to know the things we should have perhaps before the wild night in Boston. But it seemed normal convention didn’t really work for us and we had our first real date in Sam’s bed and without clothes.

With the text messages and voice mails piling up about a girls’ trip to Bozeman to go shopping, I’d finally told the guys we had to make an appearance at the ranch, otherwise my sisters would show up and start banging on Sam’s front door. Neither was too excited about that—their showing up at the house part—because his house was our sanctuary.

But my sisters could be held off for only so long. Besides, the guys ha

d work to do. I’d originally come to Montana to find out about my inheritance—since I’d hated Sam and Ashe then—but now it was also to get to know my sisters. I hadn’t told HR how long I would be away from work, but right about now, I didn’t really care. The office and handsy Alan were two time zones away.

Sam and Ashe had brought me to Steele Ranch just after breakfast. When Jamison—not only Penny’s husband but also ranch foreman—heard I’d never ridden a horse except at summer camp, he’d insisted playing tour guide and led a ride so I could see the land I’d inherited. The weather was warmer, at least for the moment, with the sun shining…and thankfully no wind. Penny had wanted to join, making up for the time she hadn’t been able to while she’d been pregnant, so Patrick had helped Jamison get five horses ready to go.

After a two-hour leisurely ride, I’d dismounted, bowlegged and sore, but nothing worse than when fucked by my men. Which was the reason for Cricket’s joke.

I glanced at Sam. He was smart enough not to say anything, but smiled nonetheless. Leaning in, he murmured, “If you aren’t walking like that after we fuck you, we’re not doing it right.”

Ashe laughed. “When you get home later, if your ass and thighs are still sore, I’d be happy to rub them down.”

I whimpered at the thought of a massage, and what Ashe would do after.

“If you keep talking like that, I won’t be going anywhere with the girls,” I replied.

Ashe leaned in and kissed me.

“Hey! None of that,” Cricket called. “Kady’s on a mission.”

Ashe pulled back, ran his knuckles over my cheek. His eyes held heat, promise and humor. “Go, have fun.”

Sam spun me about, kissed me as well. “Not too much fun.”

They walked to Sam’s truck and left.

I glanced at Cricket on the porch. “Like I said, I think either Sam, Ashe or the horse you rode in on broke you.”

I went up the walk, stepping gingerly. My inner thighs were quivering from hugging the horse’s flanks and my ass was still numb from the saddle. “Yeah, not only do I obviously lack endurance for a horseback ride, but for fucking two men non-stop for two days,” I grumbled.

She wrapped her arm around me and led me inside. “You should take three guys for a spin.”

Three? God, I could only imagine the kinds of things she got up to with Sutton, Lee and Archer. My pussy all but whimpered at that much attention.

“Sarah and Kady are already here,” she continued. “After you and Penny shower and she feeds little Locke here, we can head out.” The baby shoved his hand greedily into his mouth. She’d played babysitter while Penny was riding with us.

I groaned. “A hot shower sounds fabulous.”

Tags: Vanessa Vale Steele Ranch Romance