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Archer hooked his arms about my waist, lifted my upper body so I was kneeling on the table, his body pressed into mine. He fucked me then, hard and deep as his mouth came down on my shoulder, kissed it, licked it, then nipped it as he came.

I couldn’t catch my breath. Three orgasms and I was wiped out. Sweaty, pussy still dripping with need. My nipples were sensitive. Hell, every inch of my skin was sensitive. The taste of Sutton was on my tongue.

All I could do was look up at Lee and Sutton as Archer’s hands roved over me gently, his dick still deep inside me, and smile.



* * *

I awoke to the smell of coffee. For a second, I forgot where I was. I blinked, staring at the walls of a pretty bedroom, although heavily masculine in style. The windows were open and the navy curtains billowed slightly in the breeze. The sheets were cool and soft and I’d slept well. I’d also slept hard because, well…I’d been ridden hard.

My body ached. From the twinge of pain I felt as I moved, I wouldn’t be surprised to discover I had little bruises along my spine from being laid out on the coffee table. My jaw was a tad achy and my pussy…I’d definitely been put away wet.

I rubbed my thighs together thinking about what I’d done with Sutton, Archer and Lee. Wild things. Dark things. Hot things. I grinned to myself. I was a little hussy when it came to them and every bit of my submissive nature came out. Sutton just…called to that part of me. He pulled out the need to let go… to give up control to him.

Looking back, I’d done it with Archer, too. Right from the very first time I saw him. I’d had enough of handling Schmidt and Rocky on my own. I’d felt his strength and I’d wanted to lean on it. I’d all but begged him to arrest me.

I pulled a pillow over my face, groaned into it.

If that was what I was obsessing over, I was crazy. I should be freaking out about how I let three men fuck me again. And then some. Pretty much wilted, Lee had led me upstairs to the master bathroom and showered with me, washing every inch of my body. Archer had been waiting for me when he was done, dried me off and tucked me into the big bed until Lee came out. Then he’d taken his turn cleaning up. I’d fallen asleep as Lee pulled me into his arms; the last thing I remember was listening to the steady beat of his heart.

Had Archer joined us? The scent on the pillow was decidedly male, but I couldn’t distinguish between them yet.

I just knew it wasn’t Sutton. After all but scraping me off the coffee table since they’d made me into a wilted, sweaty blob of sated woman, he’d kissed me tenderly at the bottom of the stairs, then fled out the front door for the bunk house. I felt a little pang of rejection, but it wasn’t as if he’d neglected me. He’d been the first to make me come. And with his tongue alone. Besides, it wasn’t as if there was a bed big enough for four in the house—that I knew of.

Voices drifted up to me along with the dark roast scent. Were Archer and Lee still here? I sat up, looked around the room. The clock on the bedside table said ten thirty. Ten thirty! I hadn’t slept that late since I’d had the flu last winter. No wonder I felt so well rested. Sex and more than six hours of sleep did wonders.

I saw no men’s clothes, only mine folded on a chair by the window. Someone was neat—and stealthily quiet. I had no interest in putting on yesterday’s panties, so I decided to go commando and got dressed. Ducking into the bathroom, I took care of business, washed my hands, brushed my teeth with a toothbrush I’d found packaged in one of the vanity drawers. Lastly, I finger-combed my hair into some kind of order. Falling asleep with it wet had made it stick up funny on one side. There was only so much I could do without any hair products, or even a comb.

To think this was my father’s bathroom was weird. Really weird. And since it seemed he knocked up five different women—who knew how many others he’d been with without impregnating them—I’d have figured he’d have had some female products in the drawers. But no. They were empty except for the toothbrushes, travel-sized tubes of toothpaste and extra washcloths.

I peeked in the walk-in closet, noted it was empty. Obviously, someone had cleaned out the house after Aiden Steele’s death. It could easily pass as a holiday rental. But it was mine. At least one-fifth of it. Insane. I would get my head around that new reality soon enough.

Dressed, I went down the steps, heard Lee’s voice. He was also my new reality. Him, along with Sutton and Archer. I just had to figure out what was happening with them, too. Had last night been just another one-night-stand? Based on what they said, no, but I knew better than to rely on other people. I might submit to Sutton—and Archer and Lee—but that was play. That was sex. They wanted to dominate as much as I wanted to submit. The question was if they still were interested in me without that. Life with our clothes on.

I stopped short when I entered the kitchen. The scent of meat and garlic filled the air along with coffee, and I noticed two slow cookers on the counter, the glass lids foggy with condensation.

Turned out, it wasn’t just Archer and Lee chatting. They were talking with four men who stood on the outside of the peninsula counter area, coffee cups in hand. All lined up, they were huge. Big cowboys who made this big house seem just the right size. For them.

But they were forgotten when a woman practically squealed, ran over to me and wrapped her arms around me.

“Oh my god, you’re here. You’re awake! I’m Kady and I’m your sister!” I glanced over her shoulder at Lee, who winked, clearly pleased. It wasn’t every day I met two long-lost half-sisters. Hell, it wasn’t every day I met family since I’d had none my entire life.

I lifted my arms, hugged her back, watched as a second woman moved to stand by her side. She seemed more reserved, although anyone would be in comparison to Kady’s excitement.

“Let her breathe,” the other one said. When Kady didn’t stop hugging me, the other one rolled her eyes. “I’m Penny, the other sister.”

Kady pulled back then, wiped her eyes. “Sorry, you hug her now.”

“You’re crying?” I asked.

Kady’s mouth fell open, then snapped shut. “I cry at card commercials. Meeting a long-lost sister for the first time requires tears.”

That seemed reasonable.

“And she’s pregnant, so she cries now when she takes a package of hamburger out of the fridge.” One of the men’s voices had all three of us turning.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Steele Ranch Romance