Page 11 of Mistletoe Marriage

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He sucked in a breath as he looked his fill, then glanced up at me. “You're a brazen little hussy,” he murmured, and said more with endearment than chastisement.

“If it gets you to touch me, then yes. Yes, I am.”

He grinned, and then ran a finger through my curls at the apex of my thighs. “Spread your legs.” I obeyed. “Don't lower your shift.”

That one finger d

ipped lower and over my folds, stroking over one, then back up the other. It was my turn to hiss out a breath and I began to lower my hands.

Garrett's hand retreated. “Ah, ah,” he gently scolded. “Do you want me to touch you again?”

I nodded fervently. My lips were parted and I was breathing in little pants through my mouth. Glancing down, I could see my nipples furled tightly and outlined against my shift. “Keep your shift lifted because I want to see my pussy.”

I loved the possessive tone to his voice and when he resumed his ministrations, my head fell back and I closed my eyes. Wherever his finger touched, it was like fire. It was all sizzling sensation. I knew I was wet and he moved over me with ease. When he flicked over the bundle of nerves that offered unbridled pleasure, I gasped and reached out with one hand and gripped his shoulder. Surely I wouldn't be able to stand if he continued, but neither did I wish him to stop.

He began to touch me in earnest; perhaps at first he was just testing me to see my reaction. One finger became two and he parted my lower lips and began to learn every inch of me just as he’d promised. When his fingertips circled my untried entrance, my hand lowered and because of this, he removed his entirely.

I groaned in frustration. Instead of holding the shift up, I yanked it up and over my head, the impediment now added to the growing pile of clothing on the floor. Garrett's hand didn't return, It wasn't because he was being intentionally neglectful, but because he was looking his fill at my naked body.

“Holy hell, precious. I had no idea.”

Just his gaze on me had my flesh heating, my body readying for his cock, which now stood proudly at attention. “Garrett, please,” I begged.

His fingers returned and I sighed, but when he leaned forward and his mouth closed over my nipple, I jerked in surprise. His arm banded about my waist and held me securely in place.

“Oh!” I cried, my fingers moving from his shoulders to tangle in his hair. I gripped his head, one moment pushing him further onto my breast, the next tugging him away. The combination of his fingers playing over my woman's core and the way he sucked and drew at my breast, I felt lost. The feelings he elicited from my body were overwhelming and I was frantic with something, some need that was becoming almost too powerful. “Garrett, I'm...I'm scared. It's too much.”

“Shh,” he crooned, his breath hot against the soft curve of my breast. He moved from one turgid tip to the other. “Let go.”

When Garrett slipped a finger inside my tight channel, I did just that. I fell off the cliff that he'd lifted me to until I was plummeting, falling, falling and the only reason I didn't get lost was his arm about me.

I've got you. Such a good girl. So beautiful. I love seeing you come for the first time. You're squeezing my finger. I can't wait to have you squeeze my cock.

His words penetrated my foggy brain as I slowly returned to myself. Garrett kissed up my neck as his fingers stroked over me in a feather light touch. “Again,” he murmured against my skin.




“I love you. I'll show you how much soon enough.”


“I can do that again?” she asked, her voice as thick and slow as molasses.

I smiled, nuzzling my nose behind her ear. She was warm and pliant and smelled of summer sweet peas. I, however, was tense and rock hard. When I touched her pussy for the first time and felt that she was dripping wet, I stifled a groan. When she'd been so bold and flung her shift over her head and showed me her delectable body, I'd almost come again. But when she came from just the slightest amount of penetration and nipple play, I was completely lost. I'd known there was a passionate woman beneath that stern and very virtuous schoolmarm exterior, but she was beyond even my wildest of dreams.

Her breasts were full and plump, a nice handful. A spider web of veins was visible on the palest of skin there. Her pretty pink lips peeked out at me through a soft thatch of dark hair. With her foot upon my thigh, those petals had parted and I hadn't missed the glistening arousal that coated them. My fingers were slick from stroking her and it wasn't enough. She needed to come again and this time I would taste her as I did so.

“You can do that again and again. You came on my fingers. This time—” I dropped back on the bed, placed my hands on her hips and tugged her up the length of my body so she straddled me. “—this time you'll come from my mouth.”


She didn't understand that I intended to lick and nibble and eat her sweet pussy, and instead of telling her, I just lifted her up and placed her directly over my face. Her wide eyes looked down at me.

She was quite the vision. Not only could I smell her arousal and see it slick and shiny on her pussy, I looked up her soft curves and plump breasts to watch as her nipples tightened into hard points once again. When her eyes met mine, I knew she was not averse to my next action, only unaware it was even possible.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Romance