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Once she did, we sat as well.

"Ham?" Garrett asked.

She nodded and he forked a piece onto her plate.


Her eyes widened at the sight and watched as she breathed in the good smells. "Everything, thank you."

We ate in companionable silence, watching as Sarah ate one-handed as she held the quilt tightly about her with the other. She cleaned her plate, even ate the seconds Garrett offered. Where it all went was unknown since she was so petite, but it certainly showed the extent of her hunger. She wiped her mouth and placed her napkin on the table when she'd had her fill.

"May I please have my bag now?" she asked, glancing between us. Her focus was honed solely one thing, Garrett, and I on another.

Garrett shook his head. "No. You won't need it, baby."

Her mouth dropped open. "But I'm in shift! I can't go into town like this." She looked appalled by the idea.

"Of course not," Garrett replied, frowning. "No one will see you dressed like this -" he gestured to her wrapped in a quilt " - or in anything but modest attire, but Tagg and me."

"Good, then give me my dress." She was starting to get riled. Her tone was sharper, her body tense and her eyes flashing in anger.

"You're ours now, Sarah, and our woman doesn't wear dresses. I picked up everything you will need from the Mercantile when I went in town to get the sheriff."

Sarah's eyes darted to Ian. "Why is he here? I left money for the horse, so I didn't exactly steal it."

"The sheriff's not here about the horse. He's a Justice of the Peace," I added.

She looked between the two of us, then stood, slowly stepping away from us. She was smart enough to grasp the situation and perhaps smart to be leery. "Why ever would you have need of a Justice of the Peace?"

"To marry you."



"Marry me?"

The men were insane. Completely and utterly insane if they thought I'd marry them. Marry!

They remained calm, seated as they were about the dining table. The sheriff didn't seem the least bit surprised, nor concerned that I'd only just met the men. He knew firsthand that I'd been stuck on my father's ranch since I was twelve and had been one of the men to come to take Devney and me into town. And that had been just yesterday!

"You're willing to marry me off to not just one man, but both of them?"

The sheriff did not seem affected by an hysterical female, and I was well on the way there. "I am. Did you, or did you not, show them your body?"

"Show them? They came upon me. I most certainly did not flaunt myself to them," I sputtered.

"Did they see you unclothed?" he countered.

I lifted my chin. "You know very well they did. I'm standing here with a quilt wrapped around me!"

"We saw everything, Ian," Garrett said. "Her breasts the perfect size. Small with large pink nipples."

I gasped. "How dare--"

"The hair on her pussy is as fiery as the rest of her," Tagg added.

"Did they remove your harness, Sarah?"

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic