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"Now, my plans have changed." I licked my lips. "Now, I don't want to escape. I want to stay here with you." I tilted my head back so I could look up at Tagg. "And you."

Tagg's eyes flared with heat. "Do you have the plug in?"

I frowned momentarily, then followed his thinking. "Yes," I whispered. The chaos had been a great distraction from the plug.

Tagg lifted me from his arms and had me stand between them. Either man could reach out and touch me. My body heated at the idea, my nipples tightening, my pussy softening and getting wet at the thought.

Garrett's fingers found me first, working the scarf free from the buttons at my back. He tugged one end so that it slid up and around my neck, then across my belly and away. Tagg's gaze was focused now on my breasts, right at his eye level. He leaned forward and sucked one tip into his mouth, pulling on it and suckling like a babe. My fingers tangled in his light hair, so soft and silky. He moved to the other side, giving the other nipple equal attention.

While Tagg was occupied, Garrett undid the buttons of my blouse next, letting the long front panels dangle down, before pulling the material from my shoulders, down each arm to fall to my feet.

While Tagg continued to lick and lave at

my nipples, bringing me close to orgasm without any other touch of his body, he undid the button on my skirt. Garrett's fingers were at my back, tugging and working the corset loose, then free.

It didn't take long, with the very nimble and eager fingers of two men, to have me naked before them. Just the look in Tagg's eyes had me reaching out, touching his whisker-covered jaw with the tips of my fingers. Garrett's warm hand at my back had me leaning forward.

"Put your hands on his thighs, baby."

I bent at the waist and did as Garrett said, Tagg's muscles corded and tight beneath my palms. All the while I did so, I kept my head up, eyes on Tagg's. Only when I was in position did he kiss me, his hands holding my head in place. As his tongue tangled with mine, Garrett worked the plug from my ass. He didn't do it quickly, but took his time, slowly fucking me with it. I was on the brink of coming and they had barely touched me. I could only imagine the intensity of my orgasm when they finally did get their cocks inside of me.

When Garrett pulled the plug free, I moaned, not in relief, but because I felt empty. I knew that the only way I'd feel complete was to have them both inside of me at the same time.


When I saw that man looming over Sarah by the bank of the creek, I knew something was seriously wrong. I could see, even from fifty paces, she was afraid of him. It hadn't been a secret rendezvous. It had been trouble. Who the hell was he? And why was he on our property? When he fled, I'd had to choose between chasing the bastard and tending to Sarah. She came first. Always. I'd track the man down, but he couldn't do more until sunrise. For now, it was time to claim Sarah completely. She was ready to take both Garrett and me at the same time. Only then would she be truly ours. Only then would she know that she would always be protected, cherished and loved between us.

As I kissed her, tasted her, smelled her arousal, I knew she'd submitted. Mind, body and soul.


Her ass was ready to be fucked. When I pulled the largest training plug free, it was clear she could handle a cock. Slowly, the hole closed, winking at me as it shut. Her pussy was so wet, so swollen and eager as well. Fortunately, we could please her entirely tonight. Tagg and I had been waiting for a woman who would complete us, accept us, take us both unconditionally and together. I never imagined we'd come upon that woman early one morning by the side of the creek, and yet, there she'd been. And now, here she was, between Tagg and me - naked, aroused, ready. We'd taken her maidenhead, but it was finally time to make her ours. Sarah's submission would soon be complete.


"She's ready," Garrett said, his voice husky.

Tagg pulled back from the kiss and gently nudged me back to standing. Both men stood as well and quickly stripped, boots to shirts to pants until we were all naked. I took a cock in each of my hands and worked them up and down, feeling them grow and pulse in my palms.

Garrett stepped back. "Enough," he practically growled, although I knew not from anger. He was as aroused as I and his patience was thin.

Tagg climbed up on the bed so his head was on the pillows, his knees bent. "Come here, baby," he said gently, holding out a hand. "I want you to ride me."

I placed a hand on his chest as I threw one leg over to straddle his body, feeling him so very hard beneath my pussy. With one hand on his cock and one on my hip, he guided me down onto him, slowly filling me. Inch by inch he went in until I was completely seated. I could feel his balls against my ass. His eyes widened as I shifted my hips in adjustment and hissed out a breath. Cupping the back of my head, he pulled me down for a lazy kiss, using one hand on my hip to rock up into me. My breasts were against his chest and I could feel the hair tickling my tender skin.

My clit was in direct contact with his lower belly and every time it moved it stimulated that bundle of nerves and my eyes fell shut. I felt Garrett join us on the bed, one hand on my ass parting my cheeks, the other rubbing cool ointment over my virgin hole. He continued to work me there, ensuring I was well lubricated as Tagg fucked me. It might have been the combination of both of my holes being touched, or the anticipation of Garrett's cock entering me next, or everything, but I came, my pussy clamping down on Tagg's cock as I cried out my pleasure into his mouth.

While I was still in the throes of my orgasm, I felt Garrett's cock pressing against my ass.

I lifted my head as I breathed heavily, crying out, "Yes, Garrett, please!"

Even in my orgasmic haze, I knew he was being cautious, but all of the training with the plugs had been successful because Garrett pushed into me easily. I groaned at the sensation of having Tagg filling my pussy while just the head of Garrett's cock settled just inside my ass.

The men held still as I adjusted to the double penetration, but with my body loose and sated from the orgasm, there was no need. "Please, Garrett," I begged again.

That was all it took to get him to move. His concern for not hurting me was allayed and he moved carefully back, then in further, again and again until he filled me completely. Both men held still, buried deep. We were one. I was the connection that brought us all together.

"Jesus, you're so tight," Garrett groaned.

Tags: Vanessa Vale Montana Maiden Erotic